Monday, October 12, 2009


Hopefully the third time is the charmer.  This is the third post I have tried.  The other two posts I was trying to get a photo on the page but it keeps locking up my computer so I guess you get the no frills version, until I can figure out what the deal is.
What has been coming up for me is about the tapestries we are weaving for our selves.  What we are manifesting in my/our lives.  What types of threads are we weaving, are they threads that no longer serve a purpose are they, new threads that we are weaving.  What are our new tapestries going to look like.
This morning I drew the Card Kan, from the Mayan Oracle by Spilsbury & Bryner.  It fits right into what has been presenting to me and others I have talked with.
"Receiving Kan indicates that now is an auspicious time to plant the seed of some intention, project, or dream.  The energy of Kan asks you to look at the issue of receptivitiy,for seeds germinate best in a field of responsive surrender.  What can you do to create the receptivity that will assist in the germination of your seed ideas?
Remember that all seeds are self-germinated and that the realization of any dream starts with a simple thought.  Don't get lost in the entire process of manifestation; just begin by seeding your heart's desire.  Feel the possibility of your dream seed emerging.  Your life is the receptive soil.  Plant a seed in that fertile field.  Begin.  The result will naturally blossom in the light of your willingness to start.
All seeds hold the holographic power of their own completion.  Kan represents the power that directs the vital processes of an organism toward wholeness.  Continue on this journey of manifestation by following your deepest feeling and dreams.
Shadow Wisdom
Are you a "sleeper" who wants to remain protected and seemingly invulnerable?  Are you unconsciously limiting yourself by supporting the illusion of safety and security in the apparent protection of you shell?  Be willing to break the constraining shells of self-concepts and life's structures.  Be freed of old patterns and beliefs that once provided safety, and move forward into new possiblilities.  Beyond the confines of security and the routine patterns of daily life, unknown possibilities beckon.
Look at how you may be limiting your natrual growth.  Don't wait for what seems to be the perfect conditions to plant your seeds.  Now is the season; cultivate your seeds.  You are the receptive soil, your desire will maturally draw its own support.  All your dreams and desires lie within you to be awakened.  The answer is inside, not outside.  Remember that seeds contain the complete hologram of the whole and that within the process of growth, answers and insights are always offered.  Plant your intentions; they will quicken, guide, and manifest the mysteries in your depths."

I know this is a very powerful message and hopefully will hit home for many.  Birth these new ideas.  Bring into life more light, more laughter.  We are all weaving a new web, how will you part weave into the fabric of  the New Earth.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I find/feel like I am beginning a new phase in my life. I have to say that opening my door for synchronicity and getting out of my way so the very things that I have been wanting can come into my sphere.
As I was writing in my journal this morning about the new things that have come into my life this week and watching the beauty of how it all manifested I was struck my what I was writing then matched the card I drew and in turn matched what was on my calendar which is sayings by Eckhart Tolle' The New Earth and The Power of Now.

"Your entire life unfolds in this constant Now. Even past or future moments only exist when you remember or anticipate them, and you do so by thinking about them in the only moment there is; this one."

Living in the present moment is a skill we all could learn. I found that I future paced so much of my, I want to accomplish list, that I rarely and by fluke I would actually see something manifest. So I have gone through life with a sense of not getting alot accomplished. Thank heavens things are a changin. So I now present parts of the card I drew from the Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner.
Caban is the card.
"If you drew Caban, center your awareness within the core of self. Gifts are being made available to you directly from the Earth force. Center yourself in the present moment, and you will open the door to all knowledge, times and abilities. From there, you enter a space that enables you to see and act more clearly. Open the central channel of your being. Be sacramentally rooted where you are now, to receive the many gifts of the present moment.
Sit in relationship with the energies of the Earth, as a shaman would sit in a forest. Take time to listen to the information being transmitted through your feet. Walk into your life. Find and do what gives you joy. From this place of centeredness, magical happenings spring and synchronicity abounds, helping you to access clues to the cosmic puzzle.
In drawing Caban, you are being offered an awareness of synergy or synchronicities, are the sparkling points of illumination in the tapestry of magic. Watch for these seeming coincidences and strong feelings as clues to your larger purpose. Learn to observe and digest data and feelings until conclusions emerge naturally. Be alert to natural synergies developing with others of similar intent. Remember, you hold the Earth within you. You are the global family, the keeper of the Earth's garden."
"Shadow Wisdom..."
"In your everyday world, are you often focused on the past or the future? do you find it difficult to just be in the present moment? The larger pattern of you life is shaping itself now. All you need do is hold a clear intention to live and move more fully in the present. Your Essence Self knows the perfect timing and pattern of your unfoldment."