Sunday, December 13, 2009


Sometimes this time of year it is hard to slow down enough to see what nature is showing us.  I have been on the go all week and decided that today was going to be the quiet day at home.  Slow down take a breath.  It is going well.  What I have been shown today is we have a family of Pheasants in our yard along with our several dozen Quail.  Our yard is so full of bird life that it feels like are whole yard is in movement.  My husband can't keep the bird bath water full.

As I was finishing with the Christmas decorating I noticed that my huge Jade Plant is in bloom.  I had no idea that Jade plants flowered even.

So many blessings have been visited to me.  I went to a lecture on Thursday and saw several people that I hadn't seen in years.  It made me realize how much I missed meeting with people from many walks of life but all have the common goal of expanding our awareness...our consciousness.  I had forgotten how wonderful group energy can be and how life is really kinetic and if we are not interacting with life then we are just going through the motions.  If we talk of the global community and want to contribute, we need to be engaged with that community.  I have spent too many years in isolation so to speak.  I have froze in movement, no moving forward in a physical way, emotionally, mentally.  I think I really devalued how much I need the engagement with others, I will be changing how I do things.
I haven't drawn a card for the blog or a bit so I thought with all that has opened to my awareness I wonder what a card would bring.  I drew the card CIMI...CIMI is about forgiveness and surrender in order to have a transition.  Its about pruning away old growth, clearing away the things that no longer serve you.  Move into life.  "Through awareness and clear intention, old patterns can magically shift, offering you a loving hand that shows a new way."  What a blessing, what a gift.  What is your world showing you.  Is it showing you the areas of your life that need change?  Is it showing you the parts of your life that needs forgiveness, either for yourself or other?
Its time to reweave your life tapestries, weave them with more like, weave them with new intention, weave them with love.

Time for change is now in this moment.....