Saturday, June 26, 2010

Light and Shadow

Living in light and shadow.  I think we are much like this picture that we have parts of our life the are like the light, we see it and we are conscious of it and we for the most part can deal with what it is.  The other part of us is the shadow, the unconscious the part of ourselves we can't quite identify, we know something is there but not what it is specifically.  The work that I do with Energy Kinesiology is much about finding this shadow self, this part of ourselves that is on a subconscious level but motivates much what we do.  I liken to reweaving our life tapestry.  The beauty of this work is that one can go into the Central Nervous System and remove a block that stress in ones life has created.  It then opens the door to a new pathway/pattern.  The Chinese really knew what they were doing when they discovered the acupressure system, that makes it possible just by holding meridian points to bring a body back into balance.  The balance of Yin/Yang.  It is my wish that everyone has an opportunity to experience this modality.  It is so gentle, you don't have to take your clothes off, just your shoes.  How easy is that.  You just lay on the Massage Table and I do all the work.  It really sets you free when you can bring what is in shadow into the light.