Sunday, November 27, 2011


I happened to be writing on another blog and making the statement that it was like going into a room that hadn't been used for a while and it needed to be dusted off.  I thought wow I have a blog that really is a beautiful blog where I can express what is going on or to write about information that people may find interesting.  So here I am dusting off my blog to feed it new energy, energy that I hope inspires and informs.  I have no idea whether anyone bothers to read this blog anymore but it will also fulfill something inside of me.  My need to step out into the world and not be so isolated.
Today is a special day for me.  Today my brother who recently passed to the other side is having some of his ashes sprinkled into the ocean.  I can feel his gladness at this event.  He feels the love that his family has for him, and it is beautiful knowing this is so.

I worked with doTerra Essential Oils and I have to say these oils are life changing and life affirming.  I recently started working with an oil called Melissa (Lemon Balm), it good to reduce coughs, blisters, cold sores....this blend works to balance the emotions and is good for the skin.  I actually drink it with green tea, it makes for a lovely relaxed moment in ones hectic life.  I have diffused it and the smell is wonderful, it really does bring a calming effect into the room.  It seems to rejuvenate and in one study in Munich it led to a complete remission of herpes simplex.  I love these oils, that bringing the ancient knowledge into the modern world and find that it is still as effect now as it was then.  That it opens the door to complementing our health care with that of Western Medicine that needs a boost.
The Earth still provides for us.  It on many levels can aid us into wellness.
For those of you who love to be inspired and want to take moments in your day to contemplate, there are these lovely oracle cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish, she is much into Fractal Art, which I have loved since the number sequences formed these lovely pictures.  I do believe the more we find ways to connect back into ourselves the more we have the opportunity to change the planet.  It is all about one person at a time.  One person can lift the many.
Live your day in wonder!.....Live you day in Light!