Friday, December 7, 2012


I have to say what a glorious day we are having.  Sky is blue, little cool but the city has been in a fog and haze for the last several days, so it feels so freeing.  Wow, that could also be a metaphor, for when we come out of our own fog or haze.



I will from time to time get onto iTunes and check out music, I love music, I love to listen to it, dance to it and yes, even laugh to it.  I found this incredible artist Suzanne Teng.  If you love the flute and world music this is a keeper.  Perfect for doing yoga, tai chi, walking, yes, I took it with me on my walk today.  Glorious nature and this wonderful music.  She has several albums, the one I like the best is Mystic Journey.  If you get a chance check it out.  It has a lovely vibration.
I guess it is my day to open the door to other artist.  Artists in the sense of what they create.  I was listening to a talk on Energy Psychology Cafe, the person talking was Marlise Karlin.  For me she is one of those people that you look at her and listen to her and you feel you have known her all your life.  She has a powerful message and is making a peaceful change through out the world.  Check it out.
Another person to check out is Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Cheryl like Marlise is a visionary, and life changer, they are both such blessings to the world that they are willing to step out there and speak their truth, to walk as door openers to each of us as we change our vibration and move into our authentic selves.  Cheryl Lee Harnish posts lots of talks and card readings on YouTube or you can go to  She is an amazing being as well.
We are all mirrors for each other as well as door openers to others on their path.  We are a global community.  We are all Spiritual Beings learning to be human.  Honor ourselves in all our humanness.
Have an incredible day.....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Modalities of Change

Like the change of the seasons so many of us are feeling the energy shifts that are taking place.  I am finding for myself that I have been clearing more emotional triggers these days.  I know full well that vibrationally if I don't make these changes this new shift will create some resistance.  I want to offer some information about some  modalities that can help with this vibrational changes.

This is a  introduction to one of those modalities, Energy Kinesiology.  The movement of energy through the body.  There are many branches of Kinesiology.  There is Applied Kinesiology, which Chiropractor use in their practice which focuses on the state of your muscles.  Most all of the Kinesiology modalities use muscle monitoring or muscle testing(Chiropractic) to monitor the state of the body.  We are energetic beings, electrical beings if you will and the body understands the language used in muscle monitoring.  Muscle monitoring is a biofeedback tool that gives the practitioner access to the body system.  The body system is a computer that stores everything that happens in our lives all the emotions, thoughts, dings, dents both minor and major.  All these happenings either help us or hinder us.  What Energy Kinesiology does is gives a practitioner a way of bringing your body into balance, by de-stressing the body system.  The body system was created to heal itself.  Sadly what happens is we have become so over stressed that our body doesn't seem to be able to access the natural ability to heal itself.  Energy Kinesiology practitioners brings the body into a balance the calms the body system and clears blockages that have been built over time.  This is so important now when many of our coping skills are being challenged, they may not even work anymore.  It is kind of like building up a resistance like we do with antibiotics, they lose there ability to be effective.  I old patterns of dealing with life can become ineffective.
In America it is interesting how behind we are with the rest of the world.  In most of the world a person will go to an Energy Kinesiologist before they go to a medical doctor.  This is because it was realized that the body system out of balance creates dis-ease, if you bring the body back into balance in most cases the dis-ease disappears.   Energy Kinesiology or Neural Kinesiology can access the brain centers, the tissue, muscles, organs, meridians....the whole body system to find where the stress is stored.  It addresses the whole body system, physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual our whole being.  Our bodies literally are a information highway and Energy Kinesiology is the search engine to find balance.