Monday, April 5, 2010


I see so many images in this photograph.  It gives me a sense of relecting into the many meanings we may find in our lives.  It has been a long time since I posted on the blog.  Like the ripples in the water, the ripples of change seems to be taking place in my life.  We all seem to be making changes, can you sense it...transitions, not longer accepting things that we use to. 
I had my first real massage the other day, yes, I know how strange for someone that has been in Alternative approaches to health but it's true.  It was interesting because we don't always realize how much tension and stress our bodies are holding.  I know from the view I have with people that I have as clients as a Energy Kinesiologist.  I was surprised at how many blockages that my Massage Therapist found.  None of us are exempt to holding the stress.  It was a good lesson and experience, even though I thought I was dealing with things just fine.  It illustrated to me of how important it is to take care of yourself.  Go to your Energy Kinesiologist or Massage Therapist regularly just for tune ups that your body needs.  Your body is your receptor of all things in your environment, it needs to be taken care of. 
So many of us get so busy with our lives that we forget about the most important thing, taking care of self.  We take care of ourselves and our body will take care of us.  Be healthy on all levels....physical, mental, spiritual. 
Breath life into everyday.  It reminds me of a me it has much humor, have no idea who wrote it, but here it is.....
"Powerful Women's Motto:
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...." Oh sh--she's awake!!!
Have a beautiful day!

1 comment:

Dale said...

Loved it! Beautiful picture. From now on when I awake, I'll give an extra footstamp to make sure he knows I'm up!