Monday, December 27, 2010


Read an interesting article in the Catalyst for this month.  The Gift of Vulnerability by Jeannette Maw.  A Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, a Dr. Brene' Brown has done research about being vulnerable and how shame prevents you from being vulnerable therefore connected.  If you get a chance read the article.
It was really interesting to me, because I had an experience recently about shame.  It does usually boil down to not feeling good enough, which about summed up what I was feeling.  I could from my own experience see how this has prevented me from opening up to my vulnerable self, and not connecting in my own life.  In this point in time it is necessary that we find these pieces of self so that we can get them healed so that we are free to move forward.   Move into the new way of being into.  Letting go of our self that no longer works for us and embrace this new you.  So at this point many of us are looking at who are we REALLY!  We reach these pivotal points in our live where we have opportunities to reinvent our selves.
In October I was to an Energy Kinesiology Convention, at the convention there was a lecture that was given by Carol Tuttle about being who we truly are.  She has devised a system using four energy types and said most of us fight who we really are.  That we all carry parts of the four energy types but that we do have a dominate type, but many actually are living life being their secondary type.  It is an interesting premise and I could see that many of us, myself included are not living as our dominate type.  If you get a chance get her book and see what type you are.  I felt from this lecture that she is really on to something.  We are all on the road to the who are we REALLY path and this may help aid in our own discovery.  One of her books is called It's My Nature! by Carol Tuttle.
It is interesting how so many articles I have read this month is all about leading a purposeful life and how so many of us are finding how lost we are feeling.
So as we move into the powerful year of 2011, maybe we can all move more into consciousness, awareness of what beautiful beings we really are.
Blessing to all in this coming year.....

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