Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Interesting Read

With the thoughts of how we are changing and how we are attempting to get clearer about ourselves and the world around us, I wanted to toss out there a book that I thought was a excellent read.  The book is called Your Souls Plan, by Robert Schwartz.  I won't go into a lot of detail but the book is about the plan that we all made before incarnating into this life time.  Some wonderful mediums were used to get the information on each person in the book the Schwartz did a interview with.  It is about the fact that we all planned each thing that we are doing here.  What I found was as I read the book I found that it really helped me in taking harsh judgements out of some of life's circumstances.  Mr. Schwartz really gives you a new perspective on why some people made the choices to have certain experiences.  I hope you have a chance to read it....
I thank my good friend Dale for suggesting it to me....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can You Feel It

I just thought I would toss the question out there.  Can you feel the change in energy?  Can you feel the spark of something great happening?  Are you seeing or experiencing yourself the manifestation of things you have wanted to happen for yourself?  Are you seeing more things on angels, a friend of mine even went to the symphony and it was about angels.  Are we shifting out of the negative fields of energy.  Are we preparing for the next energetic shift?  I think that as we move into the second month of 2011, that the year is already proving that it is a year to stand up and take note.
In drew a card from my Mayan Oracle deck, I asked what is it that the energy is showing us, I drew the card ETZNAB, the messages this card conveys is that we now have an opportunity to see the truth about ourselves and take care of our unfinished business.  To take a look at what is standing between us and the light.  We are being given insight into who we truly are.  Now is not the time to stay stuck in any situation.  Our growth comes from moving forward.  Others will reflect like a mirror back to us what we need to see about ourselves.  We all have parts of self that we have kept hidden, even from ourselves and now is the time to deal with it.  Now is the time to let go of judgements against ourselves and others.  This is a time of forgiveness, to self and others, let go of the burdens you carry.
Its kind of like finding Waldo, in all the business can you find your true self, can you find the light being that you are.
I find this a time of opportunity to get clear with who we are and what we are doing here.  To shine as much light as possible, to shine that light in the dark corners of our lives to no longer live in fear.
We together as a collective can bring forth so much light, so much understanding.  Lets all stand in the light!