Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I listened to a program yesterday about balancing of the Neurotransmitters. It was very interesting. In iLEAP we have protocols that enters us into the areas of the brain that effected by the Neurotransmitters and what happens to the body when they are not in balance. John Maquire from the Kinesiology Institute in California gave the talk. He is looking at the balancing from the things that anyone can do for themselves to bring them into balance. Exercise is one that is consistent for each Neurotransmitter. He then lists what Hormones to use for each one that helps bring them into balance. What foods help bring them into balance and things to avoid that will throw them off balance immediately. The main Neurotransmitters are Dopamine, Acetylcholine, GABA, Serotonin. The areas of the brain that each effect are: Dopamine - Frontal Lobes...Low Dopamine can lead to substance abuse, alcohol abuse to self medicate, to increase dopamine.
Acetylcholine - Parietal Lobes...Low Dopamine can lead to autism, eye disorders, slow movement
GABA - Temporal Lobes...allergies, carbo cravings,high and low blood pressure.
Serotonin - Occipital Lobes - depression, drug and alcohol abuse, back aches, allergies, sleep disorders.
This is just a sample of some of things Neurotransmitters that aren't imbalance can cause.
The Edge Effect By Braverman, sorry didn't get the first name. John said that this book researches the Neurotransmitters and the role in our lives.

I guess why I am writing about this is partly for myself but also to bring awareness to others. That exercise should take a priority in our lives that it does more than just give our heart and legs a workout, it gives our brain the much needed balance of our Neurotransmitters that help us function at a higher level in life. That bring us balance in our daily living.

Choice Points

I made the commitment to draw a card once a week and post it. I am being shown how we all are at Choice Points every moment of the day. We are being energetically guided to move out of these life patterns that no longer serve us. To lighten our loads in life and realize what a gift life is and by being a active participant in life we will reap more energy, more creativity.
The card draw is Kan from the Mayan Oracle.
"I am Kan,
the bodhi-mandala,
creative seed, possibility eruptings;
Temple-lit realm of the shimmering, golden vitality of life
quickening seed into responsive surrender,
gestating form.
Oh, fertile soil thou are!
The cosmic seed takes root in thee.
To follow thy joy will set it free!
you are the seed
that quickens itself to wakefulness taking root.
In simple receptiveness, be present with you dream.
Offer clear intent,
Receive the golden wisdom of the sun
and fertile Earth in nourishment,
that you may bring the glowing, vital force into visible form!
I am Kan...
I watch eagerly
for the hardy shoots to emerge
from the seeds you have planted.
I attend them faithfully,
for your dreams, visions, heart's desires
are the seeded pattern that glitters on the fabric of creation,
giving it joyful form and radiant luster.
Your self-germinating seeds hold
the potential of the greatest magic:
the recognition and loving embrace
of your Godseed Self.
The divine impulse within you calls you forth.
The creator is born in the creation."

Much that is happening right now is about getting us to awaken from this sleep we have put ourselves into. To awaken to a new path in life, a new way to be. I hope these cards will spark some interest in what seeds you still want to cultivate.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My naming of Soul Tapestries

I guess crane needed to be here as well...has nothing to do with my experience in the dream, but there are no accidents. :) This is a Whooping Crane by the way.

It was brought to light this morning that I needed to post this poem from the Mayan Oracle on my blog, which I have so neglected for weeks. I have been getting the message that I need to maybe draw a card once a week and post what it has to say. It is being shown to me that many may receive inspiration or thought changes by me doing this. I just wanted to give you a brief background as to using the tool of the Mayan Oracle. In about 1998 I had the privileged of meeting and doing a healing drum circle with Michael Bryner, one of the co-authors of the Mayan Oracle. Michael made a powerful impact in my life. Michael passed away not too long after my meeting him but I cherish each moment we had together both on this side of the veil and the other side of the veil. He impacted so many peoples lives. These poems that he always called the Magical Child. I write this in honor and gratitude of this gift these cards have come to be to me.
These reason I drew this card today was because of a dream I had last night about a Hawk looking me in the eyes and then turning and pulling a tail feather from himself and gifting it to me. For more understanding I asked what more do I need to understand about this dream with Hawk. The answer was the card Imix. Here is the poem.
"I Am Imix, Primal Mother.
Still, dark womb of the patterned potential of becoming, sacred, interstellar genesis, I Am.
Nourishing, fertile abyss, I birth you.
Benevolent, my might cauldron of primal waters,
enveloping the living seed.
Eternal is my embrace.
As you are trusting and receptive,
I sustain you with the sweet wine of my many gifts.
I bathe your seed essence with abundant life force,
for I Am the primal sound of creation,
the potent energy and vibration of the undivided waters.
As stillness sources movement,
so this tender seed is protected
within my devoted watchfulness.
I Am the divine cradle of potential realized through primal trust.
I hold you close, my beloved,
for you are of my lifeblood and do arise
from the depth of my tender power,
which is the very substance of your heart.
It is I who weaves the web
of universal connectedness of all life.
Within my silken tapestry is the story
of the one womb that I Am,
each shimmering thread leading back to me,
Mother Mystic Spider.
Spinning arms of my galaxies embracing you,
my form becoming your form,
weaving silken tapestry...all form...all form yielding to no form
within which my womb is the Great Mystery.
Holy, hollowed temple from which springs
the sweet song of creation, melody divine,
I sing you,
my cherished essence,
gentle nourishment on your path of awakening."

Through this Magical Child Poem the name of my company....Soul Tapestries was created. Weaving Light on the Web of Life.
I hope if you are drawn to Oracle Card/Tarot Cards that you would add the Mayan Oracle to your collection. It really is a huge aide in moving into your own becoming.