Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Choice Points

I made the commitment to draw a card once a week and post it. I am being shown how we all are at Choice Points every moment of the day. We are being energetically guided to move out of these life patterns that no longer serve us. To lighten our loads in life and realize what a gift life is and by being a active participant in life we will reap more energy, more creativity.
The card draw is Kan from the Mayan Oracle.
"I am Kan,
the bodhi-mandala,
creative seed, possibility eruptings;
Temple-lit realm of the shimmering, golden vitality of life
quickening seed into responsive surrender,
gestating form.
Oh, fertile soil thou are!
The cosmic seed takes root in thee.
To follow thy joy will set it free!
you are the seed
that quickens itself to wakefulness taking root.
In simple receptiveness, be present with you dream.
Offer clear intent,
Receive the golden wisdom of the sun
and fertile Earth in nourishment,
that you may bring the glowing, vital force into visible form!
I am Kan...
I watch eagerly
for the hardy shoots to emerge
from the seeds you have planted.
I attend them faithfully,
for your dreams, visions, heart's desires
are the seeded pattern that glitters on the fabric of creation,
giving it joyful form and radiant luster.
Your self-germinating seeds hold
the potential of the greatest magic:
the recognition and loving embrace
of your Godseed Self.
The divine impulse within you calls you forth.
The creator is born in the creation."

Much that is happening right now is about getting us to awaken from this sleep we have put ourselves into. To awaken to a new path in life, a new way to be. I hope these cards will spark some interest in what seeds you still want to cultivate.

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