Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I listened to a program yesterday about balancing of the Neurotransmitters. It was very interesting. In iLEAP we have protocols that enters us into the areas of the brain that effected by the Neurotransmitters and what happens to the body when they are not in balance. John Maquire from the Kinesiology Institute in California gave the talk. He is looking at the balancing from the things that anyone can do for themselves to bring them into balance. Exercise is one that is consistent for each Neurotransmitter. He then lists what Hormones to use for each one that helps bring them into balance. What foods help bring them into balance and things to avoid that will throw them off balance immediately. The main Neurotransmitters are Dopamine, Acetylcholine, GABA, Serotonin. The areas of the brain that each effect are: Dopamine - Frontal Lobes...Low Dopamine can lead to substance abuse, alcohol abuse to self medicate, to increase dopamine.
Acetylcholine - Parietal Lobes...Low Dopamine can lead to autism, eye disorders, slow movement
GABA - Temporal Lobes...allergies, carbo cravings,high and low blood pressure.
Serotonin - Occipital Lobes - depression, drug and alcohol abuse, back aches, allergies, sleep disorders.
This is just a sample of some of things Neurotransmitters that aren't imbalance can cause.
The Edge Effect By Braverman, sorry didn't get the first name. John said that this book researches the Neurotransmitters and the role in our lives.

I guess why I am writing about this is partly for myself but also to bring awareness to others. That exercise should take a priority in our lives that it does more than just give our heart and legs a workout, it gives our brain the much needed balance of our Neurotransmitters that help us function at a higher level in life. That bring us balance in our daily living.

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