Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Awareness

I feel like we are all on the brink of a new awareness a new way of being. A new awakening. Looking down into a tree stump and seeing a fairyland you didn't even know existed. Even though our dreams seem to be eluding us its like we are being prepped for something bigger coming our way. We are all being given signs, signals and sensings and this awareness is effecting many. I decided this week that I would write more about happenings around me and not really read a card, but the Mayan Oracle book was laying on my desk and I picked it up and low and behold the very thoughts I have addressed here is also addressed by the page I turned to. Its about remembering who we are, our total wholeness of who we are. In order to support that in ourselves is to surround us with others who will let us fully express ourselves. As always be open to receive and amp up your light.
Reframe your internal dialogue.
I think we are opening the door to a huge open, be aware, be light

Sunday, August 23, 2009

IK (eek')

This weeks card is IK (eek'), its about Spirit, breath, wind, inspiration, presece, truth, co-creator of reality, simplicity, unseen forces, integration of polarities.
"Open to the breath of Spirit so that you can be guided and inspired! Awaken to the unseen that already infuses your experience! Amidst the seeming complexity, simply stop and breathe...simplify...slow down. Grasping and holding on will onlyu slow your growth process. Move in honesty and truth. Consider whether your choices drive from the movement of Spirit or from the sonstriction of unconscious beliefs and limiting definitions. Be as guileless and spontaneous as the wind. Move with the currents of change that are being offered. Embrace the unseen foreces that move to guide, inspire, and assitst you.
Your are being quickened. Remember that you and Spirit are co-creating your relaity. Be inspired. Know that your heart's dreams are animated by the presecne of the Divine Breath! Stop for a moment and feel this presence. Presence is the potent indwelling Spirit within you. Be open, aware, and present. By simply being, your true identity and presence emanate naturally.
In your present situation, allow yourself to be seen as you truly are. You are being asked to be aware of the polarities within you, to create a unified field of you full presence. There is tremendous power in wholeness. Open in this moment to vitalizing currents of Spiritus."

Mirrors that may be reflecting back to you are: "Doubting your connection to divintiy, issues of separation. Feelings of being locked into a prison of density and forgetfulness. Have you felt betrayed, abandoned, or separated without knowing why?" These are the things that we need to balance and release so that we can fulfill all that we are meant to be.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Heaven is where you stand!

Sorry I am a day late in posting but it is what it is. The card draw for the week is called Ben, Ben is the card that states the your growth edges hold the greatest magic. Its about connecting to the Heart. It says, "I am Ben, here to bridge you with a remembered message from your own heart: You are a pillar of light on Earth, and heaven is where you stand!
In regards to your growth edges, "by exploring those edges, you develop understanding and compassion for others who, like you, are using the Earth experience for their growth and evolution. Explore, expand, remember your wings. A mysterious journey awaits you, messenger of light, when you have the courage to step into a new reality. You have embarked on a quest of balance.
What do you experience at the thought of moving into the unknown, with no guarantees? You are being asked to explore what may appear fearful and unfamiliar territory, where you points of reference have become fluid. This part of your journey is like floating in space without the restriction of gravity. I can be slightly unsettling at first, but as you get used to it, the mystery becomes exciting and courage arises naturally to meet each new challenge.
Remember you reality is maintained by your beliefs and patterns, which may be viewed as fixed reference points. When these points change, your reality shifts.
Created a balance between your spiritual needs and your life's journey, draw ever more light into yourself, its will infuse and radiate from you, coloring your world with compassion."
Notice that during this time you may feel like retreating, to isolate yourself and this is normal. It may seem difficult to deal with the abrasive edges of the everyday world.

I found that this card really reflects what many are going through right now. Many are working on changing their beliefs and patterns to see life in a more clear way.

Friday, August 7, 2009

MEN this weeks card

I just can't get over how timely these card draws are.
Not too long ago I made the comment that I felt like I had just awakened from a deep sleep. I realized how disconnected I was from my life. So many of us are experiencing that same thing. Awaken to love, awaken to your dreams, awaken to all you can be.
Drawing MEN is the hope to realize your most cherished dreams. To believe in yourself and in your dreams and visions, no matter how they may be perceived by others. Joyfully dance on Earth, in the mantle of sound and light arising from you crystalline core. Awake and remember you path of service, your planetary seeding, your mythic call and promise in these magical times. Be all that you are! This is the time of the gathering of eagles.
MEN reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers you personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener, a transformer, and empowered global visionary. Ask your self how you might experience compassion toward self, the Earth, and others. Be guided toward types of work, relationships, places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures.
Explore what gives you joy and satisfaction. Come out of the background! You, who see the one world with the vision of the eagle, came to create things of unsurpassed beauty, there is a larger purpose for you being here in this time of great transformation! Sniff down trails of feeling and synchronistic experience to find clues to your journey of awakening. Be hopeful. Believe in yourself! Believe in your vision!