Friday, August 14, 2009

Heaven is where you stand!

Sorry I am a day late in posting but it is what it is. The card draw for the week is called Ben, Ben is the card that states the your growth edges hold the greatest magic. Its about connecting to the Heart. It says, "I am Ben, here to bridge you with a remembered message from your own heart: You are a pillar of light on Earth, and heaven is where you stand!
In regards to your growth edges, "by exploring those edges, you develop understanding and compassion for others who, like you, are using the Earth experience for their growth and evolution. Explore, expand, remember your wings. A mysterious journey awaits you, messenger of light, when you have the courage to step into a new reality. You have embarked on a quest of balance.
What do you experience at the thought of moving into the unknown, with no guarantees? You are being asked to explore what may appear fearful and unfamiliar territory, where you points of reference have become fluid. This part of your journey is like floating in space without the restriction of gravity. I can be slightly unsettling at first, but as you get used to it, the mystery becomes exciting and courage arises naturally to meet each new challenge.
Remember you reality is maintained by your beliefs and patterns, which may be viewed as fixed reference points. When these points change, your reality shifts.
Created a balance between your spiritual needs and your life's journey, draw ever more light into yourself, its will infuse and radiate from you, coloring your world with compassion."
Notice that during this time you may feel like retreating, to isolate yourself and this is normal. It may seem difficult to deal with the abrasive edges of the everyday world.

I found that this card really reflects what many are going through right now. Many are working on changing their beliefs and patterns to see life in a more clear way.

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