Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Awareness

I feel like we are all on the brink of a new awareness a new way of being. A new awakening. Looking down into a tree stump and seeing a fairyland you didn't even know existed. Even though our dreams seem to be eluding us its like we are being prepped for something bigger coming our way. We are all being given signs, signals and sensings and this awareness is effecting many. I decided this week that I would write more about happenings around me and not really read a card, but the Mayan Oracle book was laying on my desk and I picked it up and low and behold the very thoughts I have addressed here is also addressed by the page I turned to. Its about remembering who we are, our total wholeness of who we are. In order to support that in ourselves is to surround us with others who will let us fully express ourselves. As always be open to receive and amp up your light.
Reframe your internal dialogue.
I think we are opening the door to a huge open, be aware, be light

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