Friday, September 18, 2009


Judgement and Criticism according to Carolyn Myss Ph.D in her book Anatomy of a Spirit, Judgement and Criticism has to do with the 5th Chakra and the fifth Chakra is Throat, Thyroid, Trachea, Neck vertebrae, Mouth Teeth and gums, Esophogus, Parathyroid, Hypothalamus. "Energy connection to the emotional/mental body: The fifth chakra resonates to the numerous emotional and mental struggles involved in learning the nature of the power of choice. All illness has a connection to the fifth chara, because choice is involved in every detail of our lives and therefore in every illness."
I find this profound, I know it has been said many ways but I find this paragraph really answers a lot. I have to say I haven't read this book from front to cover but right here right now I will. Especially the fifth chakra chapter. At the end of the chapter she outlines 5 questions or maybe I should say five rules.
"The greatest act of will in whcih we can invest our spirtis is to choose to live according to these rules."
"1. Make no judgements
2. Have no expectations.
3. Give up the need to know why things happen as they do.
4. Trust that the unscheduled events of our lives are a from of spiritual direction.
5. Have the courage to make the choices we need to make, accept what we cannot change, and have the wisdome to know the difference."

We all tend to be our own worst enemy. Speaking for myself I find that I am constantly making judgements and criticisms of myself. So I am asking myself how in the world can that serve me? Do you do this to yourself? I am working on being a better friend to me. Making choices that better serve, not living life from fear.

The picture I have posted reminded me of the wisdom of the ancient tree and that new growth comes from that tree. Moss always reminds me of a soft pillow you could lay your head upon.

May your day be filled with wonderful choices. The choice to be all that you can be.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where are we

Magenta seems to be showing up more in my life. Not sure if that is true for others.
Magenta - "Strengthens contact with your life purpose. Stimulates adrenaline and heart activity. Builds up the aura." From RealMagick website.
When I chose the picture to post for this time I wanted to bring the color magenta in. I also thought what else needs to go with this. So when I opened my Mayan Oracle book it presented Cauac. I am just taking the paragraphs that both of my thumbs were touching, and I have to say it truly fits. These are the questions and concerns I having playing in my life right now. It will be interesting to know if this applies in your life.
"I am Cauac(k'a wak)
Ask nothing less of me.
I am born of unity to claim its own!
How palpable is your trust in the pattern of perfection?
How powerful is your commitment to rebirth?
How real is your faith to pilgrimage into the realm of the unknown
To what would you cling in my fiery vortex?
After the hear of surrender, I will usher you
into the cooling waters
and the ecstasy of your true identity."

"Cauac prepares you to go through an apparently insurmountable wall, and the intense feelings around this "wall" provide the very fuel that will propel you through it. These feeling are the access to your hidden power and potential. Be purified by the cleansing rain and transmuting lightning of Cauac. Feel the embrace of the thunderbeings. Discover the freedom of the true adventurer, the freed "actor" who can play any part at any moment without attachment. Trust your Essence Self to bring this freedom to you. Through Cauac, allow yourself to become a master player in the great game."
Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner

So my prickly magenta flower really reflects these words. Is Magenta moving in your life?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Global Community

I am finding that I am doing each weeks post a little different, which that works. Tonight I just opened the Mayan Oracle book with my eyes closed and where ever my right thumb was touching would be the message. It is so interesting that it really is what is coming up for many. Where exactly do we fit into the global community, what is the part we are here to play. Because I think it important I will write the whole paragraph. Each must clear and find what really is important in this life we are leading. The paragraph is from the card call Men.
"Men reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers your personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener, a transformer, an empowered global visionary. In your vision, you have compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the light of global consciousness. Ask yourself how you might experience compassion toward self, the Earth, and others. Be guided toward types of work, relationships. places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures. Allow your spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary perspective. Affirm? "Through you, Gaia, I am also transformed! I am awakening as the return of divine love and light. We are all one, Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed, and together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers.""
I really must say here how much this is so right on for what I am experiencing right now. Hearing what kind of negative talk I give to myself, how often I forget what a powerful being I am, and what powerful beings we all are. How through these changes we become overwhelmed, but in that overwhelm we may have our biggest insights.
Be open to these changes welcome the opportunity.