Thursday, November 26, 2009


So how have we chosen to give our thanks for the wonders that we have in our world.  As I have been driving from point A to point B gathering items for our feast, I looked out over our valley and looked to the sky, to acknowledge what a beautiful place we live in.  I give thank for that.  When I drew the card for this post I asked what do we need to know on this day of Thanks--Giving.  I drew the card Eb, from the Mayan Oracle...of course what it has to say is perfect for this day of Thanks--Giving.
"Now is a time for celebration!  With Eb, you have received the cosmic cornucopia of abundance, the grail for which you have yearned.  Open as the receptive chalice.  Lift you empty cup, that it might be filled and quickended with expanded consciousness.  Your circuits are being prepared for transformation through the activation of the gifts of Spirit.
These precious and often subtle gifts may be overlooked in your busyness.  Slow down.  Be receptive, freed from expectation.  Even if this is a difficult time, open your heart to receive.  Sweep clear your schedule and your mind.  Ready yourself to be penetrated and quickened with this vortex of empowerment.  Through the fruits offered by this star-glyph, you are being activated, cleared, and tuned to become a fully potentiated human being.  You are a chalice, an open vessel to recieve the unlimited resonance of the expanded self.  Embrace the mystery that the chalice of your human form is actually the chalice of the spiraling galaxies!
Shadow Wisdom
Do you see your cup as bieng half empty instead of being half full?  Do you feel a lack of love, support, or money?  If so, you may be experiencing shadow of Eb.  These issues of self-limitation are arising from your past to be healed.  Herein lies the key to the cornucopia.  Are you projecting responsibility for your own feeling or lack onto someone else?  No one else can fill your cup.  Be self-nurturing.  Discover what gives you joy and fulfillment.  Be receptive and decide what you can do to fill your own cup.  Then the universe will naturally fill you with your heart's desire.
Another shadow of Eb is either over- or undervaluing your intellect.  Eb asks you to befriend your mind.  Old negative patterns such as confusion and anxiety of "trying to figure it out" may be surfacing at this time.  Working with Eb can transform the very circuits of your brain.  In meditation, allow a feeling, metaphor, or image to surface in order to assist in rewiring these fixed mental patterns.  Be open to what is presented, and bring it itnto action in your life.  Embrace the magnificence of your mind and natural design.  Be empty and aware, that you might be filled with limitless abundance and light.
Do you evaluate and judge yourself as not being all that you could be?  Lovingly understand your humanness, rather than attempting to transcend the body-mind and its emotions, pains, and problems.  Quicken and align your senses with a more mythical intent.  Honor your body as a sacred chalice of Essence Self."

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