Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting Clear

Reactiveness how does that serve us.  I have recently been gifted with an experience that has put my whole family emotionally over the edge.  I have a loved one that is experiencing major health issues.  We have been upset because of the way the situation is being handled both by the spouse and the medical people.  My siblings and I have experienced being care givers and have insight to what works and what doesn't.  I am not going get into specifics but I do want to say this whole dynamic has been physically, emotionally draining and I see it also is very counterproductive.  I knew it was time that I look deep into my self to make a decision of how I want to continue with this.  I realized that I didn't want to continue swimming in this whirlpool reactivity and really want to move to pro-activity.  So when I am faced with big dilemma's in my life I usually turn to my Mayan Oracle Cards and yup, the card gave me the insight that I needed.  Simply it is about forgiveness and going through the Ho'Oponopono process to get myself clear.  I will give you information on the prayer to clearing these situations in our lives later.
What the card showed me was that other people in our lives act as mirrors for us.  They reflect back to us those shadows that dwell in us.  This reflection is a gift from this person to us, that opens the door to be cleared.  It truly does not serve any of us to carry and distribute these negative feelings or cycles.  It always brings to mind Jacob Marley in the Christmas Carol/Story dragging the chains of his making through life.  It is about clearing each link so we can be our highest and best self.  We can do this by forgiveness and love.  That is what the Ho'Oponopono prayer does for us.  I encourage you all to do some research in regards to Ho'Oponopono or TAT which is another process to get your self clear and free the energy to the light.  This prayer is from


Repeat constantly, not directed anywhere in particular, although you may offer it to the Divine, or your/others inner child. The energy and vibration of these words have the power to heal and cleanse all levels, in all directions of time and space. These are true 'words of power'. Somehow they connect with whatever needs their energy to heal,within us and others, and we do not even need to know what or how for it to be effective. Following, is another reputedly very powerful cleansing prayer. The intention is to cleanse any blocks and resistances, known and unknown, to the manifestaion of our good, and to clear the way for positive inspiration and manifestation. This prayer has great healing power. In Ho'oponopono, a person assumes 100% responsibility for their reality (with NO sense of self blame). They know that what they have created, they can change, for accepting responsibility means accepting power. Nothing is ever anyone else's fault. To change experience/reality there is only ever one thing to work's self. You may direct the following prayer to your god/dess, an experience, your past lives, any part of yourself or anyone your cat, dog, or even your may not make sense to your CONSCIOUS mind, but your DEEP MIND (subconscious/superconscious) really GETS IT. It can be instant, or a gradual process. Either way, it WORKS.
MORRNAH'S PRAYER (Hawaiian Shaman)
Divine creator, father, mother, son as one...If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness...Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure light....And it is done. 

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