This Earth is such a gift to us the caretakers. I feel so much Gratitude for being on this Earth at this time. I give thanks to this gift of life and my beautiful family and friends to share it with. I have been doing the 21 day Meditation Challenge done by Deepak Chopra, it is so beautiful, if you get a chance check it out. It truly starts your day in mindfulness.
As each of us makes a connection to this beautiful Earth, each in our own way. I was pondering one day why it is that I feel such a connection to life forms of the Earth. I feel the connection to a flower, crystal, mountain, water all of nature? As Spirit is good at answering our questions, if we listen, I ran across a beautiful explanation in the book The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. His statement about our connections to all life-forms is: "Since time immemorial flowers, crystals, precious stones, and birds have held special significance for the human spirit. Like all life-forms, they are of course, temporary manifestations of the underlying one Life, one Consciousness. Their special significance and the reason why humans feel a fascination for and affinity with them can be attributed to their ethereal quality.? " Their Divine Life Essence." When I read this I thought this is one of the best explanations of why the Mesa work in the Shamanic carries for me such a beautiful connection, why, when I am out side and I encounter the different birds that I actually engage in a conversation with them. We see each other divine essence. How incredible is that. Someone once said to me that they felt no connection to their Mesa, they thought the stones were pretty but did not understand the energy of the stones. To me in doing the Mesa work, if you understand the divine essence you can change your perceptions just by moving the crystals and stones in your Mesa. Yes, I just caught myself getting the cart before the horse. A Mesa is a portable alter that in Shamanic tradition of the Quero. In the Shamanic traditions of the Quero a Mesa created by gathering stones that are symbolic of each directions. Each direction has rights that are given and a process like a rights of passage. In this process one creates a connection to each stone. By the time you have gone through all the directions and received your rights to be a full Mesa carrier. I went through the traditions of the Mesa work or Medicine Wheel with The Four Winds Society, whose founder is Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
I mention all this because it is one way to connect with the Creator of All That Is. The energy that is here now and will increase in the future, brings to our attention our connection to life. Too many of us are still walking around unconscious which does not bode well for your future. There are so many sources out there now to get connected with self, to live more meaningful. This in part is what this blog is about. connecting to the tapestry that we are weaving. Is this weaving something we want to wrap around us, or is it woven with weak threads. It is about are we conscious and if not how to we get there to aware.....These are questions we all need to ask ourselves. Lets step into the elements of our being....
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