Sunday, November 18, 2012


Photo copyrighted 2009

Each of us has had the experience where we have relinquish our power to another person or organization. It may start by first relying on what there opinion is.  Then before you know its, they are the ones making your decisions for you.  Even for the easiest decision we ask is this okay.  Now you are no longer in the drivers seat.  We  are already hardwired to carry our own wisdom our own sense of what is good for us. When we give over control to another, we can become confused, indecisive, we become anxious about oh am I doing the right thing.  At this point no you are not. You feel you have to ask this person does this work.  We have lost sight of who we are and we relinquish our boundaries to this person or organization.  Our natural boundaries, keeps us in our own integrity, our own power.  I can truly speak from experience.
When one has relinquished their power to another and the other person is taking advantage of this, then we are talking sorcery.  Sorcery is when another person inflicts their will on another.  Some who practice sorcery actually convince you that what is happening and the decisions you are making is totally your idea.  But how can that be you aren't even close to being in your power.  You will know you are not in your power if people that have been in your life nor longer are.  Energetically you will start feeling very depleted.  If you aren't there to sustain you then you start taking energy from others...oh, what a cycle.  Spirit will start dropping hints that something is terribly wrong, you will start feeling not right, huge emotions may flare up, but all this is to get you to pay attention and look at what really is going on around you.  Hopefully you will go wow that doesn't feel right, you will feel that you are coming out of a fog when you allow your senses to be active again.  Hopefully your BS meter will come into full swing.  
It is important that we get ourselves back to our Authentic Being because changes are a comein.  There is a  energetic change coming, and yes it is coming, and will effect the collective on some level or another.  For those who have given their power, and buried the authentic self are being given the opportunity to take it all back that in our innocence we let go.  No one in Heaven or Earth can hold your power unless you give it to them.  It is yours to take back and please make the opportunity to do so, do it now!  Collect your $200.00 and pass go...(a little Monopoly humor).  When you are in a relationship and that person convinces you that they have all the answers then back away from the person as fast as you can.  YOU, YES, YOU, and of course the Creator-God- Allah-The Great Mystery, what ever you want to call the source of all things are the only ones that have all the answers for YOU.  We are naturally hooked into the bluetooth of Spirit, communication is not an issue.
Would love to hear from you....who ever you all are....
Be in Peace, Be in Light, Be in Love...

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