Soul Tapestries, LLC
Weaving The Light Into Our Lives
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Was going to talk about getting real....the whole thing froze up and I couldn't post....will have to consider what this is about....not the time to get
Friday, December 7, 2012
I have to say what a glorious day we are having. Sky is blue, little cool but the city has been in a fog and haze for the last several days, so it feels so freeing. Wow, that could also be a metaphor, for when we come out of our own fog or haze.

I will from time to time get onto iTunes and check out music, I love music, I love to listen to it, dance to it and yes, even laugh to it. I found this incredible artist Suzanne Teng. If you love the flute and world music this is a keeper. Perfect for doing yoga, tai chi, walking, yes, I took it with me on my walk today. Glorious nature and this wonderful music. She has several albums, the one I like the best is Mystic Journey. If you get a chance check it out. It has a lovely vibration.
I guess it is my day to open the door to other artist. Artists in the sense of what they create. I was listening to a talk on Energy Psychology Cafe, the person talking was Marlise Karlin. For me she is one of those people that you look at her and listen to her and you feel you have known her all your life. She has a powerful message and is making a peaceful change through out the world. Check it out.
Another person to check out is Cheryl Lee Harnish. Cheryl like Marlise is a visionary, and life changer, they are both such blessings to the world that they are willing to step out there and speak their truth, to walk as door openers to each of us as we change our vibration and move into our authentic selves. Cheryl Lee Harnish posts lots of talks and card readings on YouTube or you can go to She is an amazing being as well.
We are all mirrors for each other as well as door openers to others on their path. We are a global community. We are all Spiritual Beings learning to be human. Honor ourselves in all our humanness.
Have an incredible day.....
I will from time to time get onto iTunes and check out music, I love music, I love to listen to it, dance to it and yes, even laugh to it. I found this incredible artist Suzanne Teng. If you love the flute and world music this is a keeper. Perfect for doing yoga, tai chi, walking, yes, I took it with me on my walk today. Glorious nature and this wonderful music. She has several albums, the one I like the best is Mystic Journey. If you get a chance check it out. It has a lovely vibration.
I guess it is my day to open the door to other artist. Artists in the sense of what they create. I was listening to a talk on Energy Psychology Cafe, the person talking was Marlise Karlin. For me she is one of those people that you look at her and listen to her and you feel you have known her all your life. She has a powerful message and is making a peaceful change through out the world. Check it out.
Another person to check out is Cheryl Lee Harnish. Cheryl like Marlise is a visionary, and life changer, they are both such blessings to the world that they are willing to step out there and speak their truth, to walk as door openers to each of us as we change our vibration and move into our authentic selves. Cheryl Lee Harnish posts lots of talks and card readings on YouTube or you can go to She is an amazing being as well.
We are all mirrors for each other as well as door openers to others on their path. We are a global community. We are all Spiritual Beings learning to be human. Honor ourselves in all our humanness.
Have an incredible day.....
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Modalities of Change
Like the change of the seasons so many of us are feeling the energy shifts that are taking place. I am finding for myself that I have been clearing more emotional triggers these days. I know full well that vibrationally if I don't make these changes this new shift will create some resistance. I want to offer some information about some modalities that can help with this vibrational changes.
This is a introduction to one of those modalities, Energy Kinesiology. The movement of energy through the body. There are many branches of Kinesiology. There is Applied Kinesiology, which Chiropractor use in their practice which focuses on the state of your muscles. Most all of the Kinesiology modalities use muscle monitoring or muscle testing(Chiropractic) to monitor the state of the body. We are energetic beings, electrical beings if you will and the body understands the language used in muscle monitoring. Muscle monitoring is a biofeedback tool that gives the practitioner access to the body system. The body system is a computer that stores everything that happens in our lives all the emotions, thoughts, dings, dents both minor and major. All these happenings either help us or hinder us. What Energy Kinesiology does is gives a practitioner a way of bringing your body into balance, by de-stressing the body system. The body system was created to heal itself. Sadly what happens is we have become so over stressed that our body doesn't seem to be able to access the natural ability to heal itself. Energy Kinesiology practitioners brings the body into a balance the calms the body system and clears blockages that have been built over time. This is so important now when many of our coping skills are being challenged, they may not even work anymore. It is kind of like building up a resistance like we do with antibiotics, they lose there ability to be effective. I old patterns of dealing with life can become ineffective.
In America it is interesting how behind we are with the rest of the world. In most of the world a person will go to an Energy Kinesiologist before they go to a medical doctor. This is because it was realized that the body system out of balance creates dis-ease, if you bring the body back into balance in most cases the dis-ease disappears. Energy Kinesiology or Neural Kinesiology can access the brain centers, the tissue, muscles, organs, meridians....the whole body system to find where the stress is stored. It addresses the whole body system, physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual our whole being. Our bodies literally are a information highway and Energy Kinesiology is the search engine to find balance.
This is a introduction to one of those modalities, Energy Kinesiology. The movement of energy through the body. There are many branches of Kinesiology. There is Applied Kinesiology, which Chiropractor use in their practice which focuses on the state of your muscles. Most all of the Kinesiology modalities use muscle monitoring or muscle testing(Chiropractic) to monitor the state of the body. We are energetic beings, electrical beings if you will and the body understands the language used in muscle monitoring. Muscle monitoring is a biofeedback tool that gives the practitioner access to the body system. The body system is a computer that stores everything that happens in our lives all the emotions, thoughts, dings, dents both minor and major. All these happenings either help us or hinder us. What Energy Kinesiology does is gives a practitioner a way of bringing your body into balance, by de-stressing the body system. The body system was created to heal itself. Sadly what happens is we have become so over stressed that our body doesn't seem to be able to access the natural ability to heal itself. Energy Kinesiology practitioners brings the body into a balance the calms the body system and clears blockages that have been built over time. This is so important now when many of our coping skills are being challenged, they may not even work anymore. It is kind of like building up a resistance like we do with antibiotics, they lose there ability to be effective. I old patterns of dealing with life can become ineffective.
In America it is interesting how behind we are with the rest of the world. In most of the world a person will go to an Energy Kinesiologist before they go to a medical doctor. This is because it was realized that the body system out of balance creates dis-ease, if you bring the body back into balance in most cases the dis-ease disappears. Energy Kinesiology or Neural Kinesiology can access the brain centers, the tissue, muscles, organs, meridians....the whole body system to find where the stress is stored. It addresses the whole body system, physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual our whole being. Our bodies literally are a information highway and Energy Kinesiology is the search engine to find balance.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Giving Thanks
This Earth is such a gift to us the caretakers. I feel so much Gratitude for being on this Earth at this time. I give thanks to this gift of life and my beautiful family and friends to share it with. I have been doing the 21 day Meditation Challenge done by Deepak Chopra, it is so beautiful, if you get a chance check it out. It truly starts your day in mindfulness.
As each of us makes a connection to this beautiful Earth, each in our own way. I was pondering one day why it is that I feel such a connection to life forms of the Earth. I feel the connection to a flower, crystal, mountain, water all of nature? As Spirit is good at answering our questions, if we listen, I ran across a beautiful explanation in the book The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. His statement about our connections to all life-forms is: "Since time immemorial flowers, crystals, precious stones, and birds have held special significance for the human spirit. Like all life-forms, they are of course, temporary manifestations of the underlying one Life, one Consciousness. Their special significance and the reason why humans feel a fascination for and affinity with them can be attributed to their ethereal quality.? " Their Divine Life Essence." When I read this I thought this is one of the best explanations of why the Mesa work in the Shamanic carries for me such a beautiful connection, why, when I am out side and I encounter the different birds that I actually engage in a conversation with them. We see each other divine essence. How incredible is that. Someone once said to me that they felt no connection to their Mesa, they thought the stones were pretty but did not understand the energy of the stones. To me in doing the Mesa work, if you understand the divine essence you can change your perceptions just by moving the crystals and stones in your Mesa. Yes, I just caught myself getting the cart before the horse. A Mesa is a portable alter that in Shamanic tradition of the Quero. In the Shamanic traditions of the Quero a Mesa created by gathering stones that are symbolic of each directions. Each direction has rights that are given and a process like a rights of passage. In this process one creates a connection to each stone. By the time you have gone through all the directions and received your rights to be a full Mesa carrier. I went through the traditions of the Mesa work or Medicine Wheel with The Four Winds Society, whose founder is Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
I mention all this because it is one way to connect with the Creator of All That Is. The energy that is here now and will increase in the future, brings to our attention our connection to life. Too many of us are still walking around unconscious which does not bode well for your future. There are so many sources out there now to get connected with self, to live more meaningful. This in part is what this blog is about. connecting to the tapestry that we are weaving. Is this weaving something we want to wrap around us, or is it woven with weak threads. It is about are we conscious and if not how to we get there to aware.....These are questions we all need to ask ourselves. Lets step into the elements of our being....
As each of us makes a connection to this beautiful Earth, each in our own way. I was pondering one day why it is that I feel such a connection to life forms of the Earth. I feel the connection to a flower, crystal, mountain, water all of nature? As Spirit is good at answering our questions, if we listen, I ran across a beautiful explanation in the book The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. His statement about our connections to all life-forms is: "Since time immemorial flowers, crystals, precious stones, and birds have held special significance for the human spirit. Like all life-forms, they are of course, temporary manifestations of the underlying one Life, one Consciousness. Their special significance and the reason why humans feel a fascination for and affinity with them can be attributed to their ethereal quality.? " Their Divine Life Essence." When I read this I thought this is one of the best explanations of why the Mesa work in the Shamanic carries for me such a beautiful connection, why, when I am out side and I encounter the different birds that I actually engage in a conversation with them. We see each other divine essence. How incredible is that. Someone once said to me that they felt no connection to their Mesa, they thought the stones were pretty but did not understand the energy of the stones. To me in doing the Mesa work, if you understand the divine essence you can change your perceptions just by moving the crystals and stones in your Mesa. Yes, I just caught myself getting the cart before the horse. A Mesa is a portable alter that in Shamanic tradition of the Quero. In the Shamanic traditions of the Quero a Mesa created by gathering stones that are symbolic of each directions. Each direction has rights that are given and a process like a rights of passage. In this process one creates a connection to each stone. By the time you have gone through all the directions and received your rights to be a full Mesa carrier. I went through the traditions of the Mesa work or Medicine Wheel with The Four Winds Society, whose founder is Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
I mention all this because it is one way to connect with the Creator of All That Is. The energy that is here now and will increase in the future, brings to our attention our connection to life. Too many of us are still walking around unconscious which does not bode well for your future. There are so many sources out there now to get connected with self, to live more meaningful. This in part is what this blog is about. connecting to the tapestry that we are weaving. Is this weaving something we want to wrap around us, or is it woven with weak threads. It is about are we conscious and if not how to we get there to aware.....These are questions we all need to ask ourselves. Lets step into the elements of our being....
Monday, November 19, 2012
Mercury In Retrograde
Just a heads up....
Mercury is in its last stage of a retrograde, meaning in appears as it is moving backwards. If you are planning a new adventure it isn't wise to do it on a retrograde Mercury. Usually a planet starts its influence 3 days before and 3 days after the actual event of when the retrograde begins. During a retrograde Mercury, our electronics can go on the fritz, emails get lost, paper work get lost, it isn't wise to make any major transactions, like buying car, homes, or businesses, many times things will unravel when Mercury goes direct. It can be a very frustrating time. It is a time where you would benefit by deep breathing techniques. You may find many you have to go back and do things multiple times. The beauty of Mercury Retrograde it is only temporary. There is more in-depth information of the web, in case you want to have more information.
Mercury is in its last stage of a retrograde, meaning in appears as it is moving backwards. If you are planning a new adventure it isn't wise to do it on a retrograde Mercury. Usually a planet starts its influence 3 days before and 3 days after the actual event of when the retrograde begins. During a retrograde Mercury, our electronics can go on the fritz, emails get lost, paper work get lost, it isn't wise to make any major transactions, like buying car, homes, or businesses, many times things will unravel when Mercury goes direct. It can be a very frustrating time. It is a time where you would benefit by deep breathing techniques. You may find many you have to go back and do things multiple times. The beauty of Mercury Retrograde it is only temporary. There is more in-depth information of the web, in case you want to have more information.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Each of us has had the experience where we have relinquish our power to another person or organization. It may start by first relying on what there opinion is. Then before you know its, they are the ones making your decisions for you. Even for the easiest decision we ask is this okay. Now you are no longer in the drivers seat. We are already hardwired to carry our own wisdom our own sense of what is good for us. When we give over control to another, we can become confused, indecisive, we become anxious about oh am I doing the right thing. At this point no you are not. You feel you have to ask this person does this work. We have lost sight of who we are and we relinquish our boundaries to this person or organization. Our natural boundaries, keeps us in our own integrity, our own power. I can truly speak from experience.
When one has relinquished their power to another and the other person is taking advantage of this, then we are talking sorcery. Sorcery is when another person inflicts their will on another. Some who practice sorcery actually convince you that what is happening and the decisions you are making is totally your idea. But how can that be you aren't even close to being in your power. You will know you are not in your power if people that have been in your life nor longer are. Energetically you will start feeling very depleted. If you aren't there to sustain you then you start taking energy from others...oh, what a cycle. Spirit will start dropping hints that something is terribly wrong, you will start feeling not right, huge emotions may flare up, but all this is to get you to pay attention and look at what really is going on around you. Hopefully you will go wow that doesn't feel right, you will feel that you are coming out of a fog when you allow your senses to be active again. Hopefully your BS meter will come into full swing.
It is important that we get ourselves back to our Authentic Being because changes are a comein. There is a energetic change coming, and yes it is coming, and will effect the collective on some level or another. For those who have given their power, and buried the authentic self are being given the opportunity to take it all back that in our innocence we let go. No one in Heaven or Earth can hold your power unless you give it to them. It is yours to take back and please make the opportunity to do so, do it now! Collect your $200.00 and pass go...(a little Monopoly humor). When you are in a relationship and that person convinces you that they have all the answers then back away from the person as fast as you can. YOU, YES, YOU, and of course the Creator-God- Allah-The Great Mystery, what ever you want to call the source of all things are the only ones that have all the answers for YOU. We are naturally hooked into the bluetooth of Spirit, communication is not an issue.
Would love to hear from you....who ever you all are....
Be in Peace, Be in Light, Be in Love...
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Whoa it doesn't pay to ignore your blog...I entered into a new world today. Don't know how this will be in regards to my readers finding my blog but here goes.
I was reflecting today about just some silly things. Silly things like I bought a new watch, no biggy right? What I observed with this new watch is that it watch face is made out of mother of pearl so it is like walking around with a rainbow on my wrist. I look at it and smile, what a nice reminder. I have also been observing how even more than ever what we are thinking is manifesting and manifesting faster than before. I thought wow we need to wrap our minds around that and pay attention to what we are really asking for. Our we being as positive as possible. Are we really speaking our truth and living from our hearts. The caution of be aware what you are asking for. The other observation is are we taking ourselves too seriously, what are we doing to lighten up. What are we doing to stay grounded and centered? I have had the observation that we have many people walking around feeling kind of disconnected from things. Working on clients I have found that I am doing processes that adjust the Governing Vessel and Central Vessel, which in Acupressure is what keeps us grounded and centered. Once you are centered then it connects you back up and you then feel wow where was I. I have observed how many people doing a lot of self reflection, getting clear. I believe I have mentioned this before. It is a great time to be living enjoy your experience here.
I was reflecting today about just some silly things. Silly things like I bought a new watch, no biggy right? What I observed with this new watch is that it watch face is made out of mother of pearl so it is like walking around with a rainbow on my wrist. I look at it and smile, what a nice reminder. I have also been observing how even more than ever what we are thinking is manifesting and manifesting faster than before. I thought wow we need to wrap our minds around that and pay attention to what we are really asking for. Our we being as positive as possible. Are we really speaking our truth and living from our hearts. The caution of be aware what you are asking for. The other observation is are we taking ourselves too seriously, what are we doing to lighten up. What are we doing to stay grounded and centered? I have had the observation that we have many people walking around feeling kind of disconnected from things. Working on clients I have found that I am doing processes that adjust the Governing Vessel and Central Vessel, which in Acupressure is what keeps us grounded and centered. Once you are centered then it connects you back up and you then feel wow where was I. I have observed how many people doing a lot of self reflection, getting clear. I believe I have mentioned this before. It is a great time to be living enjoy your experience here.
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