Monday, February 23, 2009

Light Opens In The Sky

"There was something formless and perfect before the universe was born.
It is serene. Empty.
Solitary. Unchanging.
Infinite. Eternally Present.
It is the mother of the universe.
For the lack of a better name.
I call it the TAO.

It flows through all things,
inside and outside, and returns
to the origin of all things.

The TAO is great.
The univers is great.
Earth is great.
Man is great.
These are the four great powers.

Man follows the earth.
Earth follows the univers.
The universe follows the TAO.
The TAO follows only itself."

The TAO Ching by Stephen Mitchell

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Beginning

I was going to write a whole thing about LEAP and Energy Kinesiology but that will come. I thought maybe I should give you some background, after all this is my introduction to the world if you will and my company Soul Tapestries, LLC. To be honest I have always kind of been a behind the scenes type of person, occasionally sticking my head out the door to make my presents know. So this is a big risk for me, to actually move out into the world as a Practitioner of Energy Kinesiology and soon to be a LEAP Practitioner. I am truly outing myself today, as a occasional visionary I saw this work happening over 40 years ago, oops, really outed now, age telling. Anyway, in the vision I say people were going to be able to make changes in other peoples lives by doing body work, at first I thought it was going to be body massage but that was it. Then I was introduced to Brain Gym, I was impressed with the fact that by using water and specialized exercises you could change the learning difficulties, I thought I am on to something here. Then I thought its good but not quite it. I had heard of Kinesiology but it just seemed too much to take on at the time, but I understood bits of what it was about. So time passed and I put it aside until I get a call from a friend who had, had some Brain Integration Therapy done and she was so excited about the change it made in her brain, she was thinking clearly, processing problems in half the time, it was amazing. I then get a call and she is telling me about the two year LEAP Practitioner training that we may be able to get into. I said well I don't know when it starts I had things already in the works and I said it would take a miracle for this to happen. Long story short it happened and I entered the training November of 2007. It has been one heck of a training. This is the first time it was ever offered as a actual two year specialized training. For many of the classes they are taught by Dr. Krebs himself. I feel so privileged to be a part of the work. LEAP is truly going to make a difference in so many peoples lives. LEAP protocols and Muscle Monitoring give you access to the bio computer(the body). We need to all step back and really be amazed at what this body does, all on its own without us being aware of exactly what its doing. Its kind of like electricity, we just know it works. This training has opened the door for me in learning more about how it works and people this is one fantastic universe within its self. There are still things we don't know about why the brain does what it does.
It has taken me these 40 years to get to this place and I am now living what was my future.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Change Already

The Budding of New Things!
So it has only been a couple of days since I create this blog and already change has happened. I have given birth to a new blog called Lite Weaving, you can access it on this blog.
This blog will be my business blog. My company name is Soul Tapestries, LLC and because I will be finishing my LEAP training at the end of may I felt I needed to get out there and start making people aware of what LEAP is and what Energy Kinesiology. So please bare with me as I make these changes.

Lite Weaving is about how we are all connected on the web of life and how we each influence each other. Its also about bringing light, humor, love and inspiration into this world that seems to generate a lot of fear messages. We that belong to the Leaders of Light Group want to change that dynamic and produce something that is different. Providing a service of light if you will.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The setting sun

How do you end your day. Does your day end in anger, does it end in laughter, does it end in love? Thoughts are things and as was brought to my attention we need to look at what we are thinking. What kind of energy are we sending out to the universe. I remember reading a book way back in my 20's. The book was called Thought Forms by Annie Bessant. I remember looking at the picture of the negative thought forms and how ugly they were. I also looked at the pleasant thought forms and they were beautiful. What do you want your thought energy to look like. Be aware don't add to the fear that circulates so much these days. Look at the beauty around you and shift the thoughts.

"Spiritual realization is to see clearly that what I perceive, experience, think, or feel is ultimately not who I am, that I cannot find myself in all those things that continually pass away. What remains is the light of consciousness in which perception, experiences, thoughts, and feelings come and go. That is Being, that is the deeper, true I." New Earth by Eckhart Tolle'

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Experience

I have to say that this creation of the blog was really quite a fun experience and I will be tinkering with it off and on.
The fire is a tradition in the Quero Shaman work. Mostly at the full moon we will build a fire and place into the fire the things in our life that not longer serve us. So many times we keep playing the same song over and over and wonder if it will ever end. So we pick a stick, branch that we can burn in the fire. It is amazing how the release happens when we do this. There is more ceremony involved but I just wanted to note that is why this picture is on my blog. Fire cleanses and many of us are going through a time of cleansing. Light comes in many forms.

Welcome to my blog :)

I want to welcome you to my blog. This is a new experience for me as far as having my own blog.
My blog is about how we can Weave Light into our lives. With all the negative that is surrounding us right now, my belief is that we need to turn on more light. To broaden our own communities to share the positive that is happening in this world.
I believe in the power of thought and my wish, my very hope is that we can change the world around us by connecting together to bring this about. We are surrounded by beauty and we need to open our eyes to that.