Sunday, August 23, 2009

IK (eek')

This weeks card is IK (eek'), its about Spirit, breath, wind, inspiration, presece, truth, co-creator of reality, simplicity, unseen forces, integration of polarities.
"Open to the breath of Spirit so that you can be guided and inspired! Awaken to the unseen that already infuses your experience! Amidst the seeming complexity, simply stop and breathe...simplify...slow down. Grasping and holding on will onlyu slow your growth process. Move in honesty and truth. Consider whether your choices drive from the movement of Spirit or from the sonstriction of unconscious beliefs and limiting definitions. Be as guileless and spontaneous as the wind. Move with the currents of change that are being offered. Embrace the unseen foreces that move to guide, inspire, and assitst you.
Your are being quickened. Remember that you and Spirit are co-creating your relaity. Be inspired. Know that your heart's dreams are animated by the presecne of the Divine Breath! Stop for a moment and feel this presence. Presence is the potent indwelling Spirit within you. Be open, aware, and present. By simply being, your true identity and presence emanate naturally.
In your present situation, allow yourself to be seen as you truly are. You are being asked to be aware of the polarities within you, to create a unified field of you full presence. There is tremendous power in wholeness. Open in this moment to vitalizing currents of Spiritus."

Mirrors that may be reflecting back to you are: "Doubting your connection to divintiy, issues of separation. Feelings of being locked into a prison of density and forgetfulness. Have you felt betrayed, abandoned, or separated without knowing why?" These are the things that we need to balance and release so that we can fulfill all that we are meant to be.

1 comment:

Dale said...

Thanks Jac. As usual, it is spot on.