Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where are we

Magenta seems to be showing up more in my life. Not sure if that is true for others.
Magenta - "Strengthens contact with your life purpose. Stimulates adrenaline and heart activity. Builds up the aura." From RealMagick website.
When I chose the picture to post for this time I wanted to bring the color magenta in. I also thought what else needs to go with this. So when I opened my Mayan Oracle book it presented Cauac. I am just taking the paragraphs that both of my thumbs were touching, and I have to say it truly fits. These are the questions and concerns I having playing in my life right now. It will be interesting to know if this applies in your life.
"I am Cauac(k'a wak)
Ask nothing less of me.
I am born of unity to claim its own!
How palpable is your trust in the pattern of perfection?
How powerful is your commitment to rebirth?
How real is your faith to pilgrimage into the realm of the unknown
To what would you cling in my fiery vortex?
After the hear of surrender, I will usher you
into the cooling waters
and the ecstasy of your true identity."

"Cauac prepares you to go through an apparently insurmountable wall, and the intense feelings around this "wall" provide the very fuel that will propel you through it. These feeling are the access to your hidden power and potential. Be purified by the cleansing rain and transmuting lightning of Cauac. Feel the embrace of the thunderbeings. Discover the freedom of the true adventurer, the freed "actor" who can play any part at any moment without attachment. Trust your Essence Self to bring this freedom to you. Through Cauac, allow yourself to become a master player in the great game."
Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner

So my prickly magenta flower really reflects these words. Is Magenta moving in your life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh yes Jac, this hits me directly....this feels what my cold has been these past few weeks - especially this line - "After the hear of surrender, I will usher you
into the cooling waters and the ecstasy of your true identity."