Sunday, November 27, 2011


I happened to be writing on another blog and making the statement that it was like going into a room that hadn't been used for a while and it needed to be dusted off.  I thought wow I have a blog that really is a beautiful blog where I can express what is going on or to write about information that people may find interesting.  So here I am dusting off my blog to feed it new energy, energy that I hope inspires and informs.  I have no idea whether anyone bothers to read this blog anymore but it will also fulfill something inside of me.  My need to step out into the world and not be so isolated.
Today is a special day for me.  Today my brother who recently passed to the other side is having some of his ashes sprinkled into the ocean.  I can feel his gladness at this event.  He feels the love that his family has for him, and it is beautiful knowing this is so.

I worked with doTerra Essential Oils and I have to say these oils are life changing and life affirming.  I recently started working with an oil called Melissa (Lemon Balm), it good to reduce coughs, blisters, cold sores....this blend works to balance the emotions and is good for the skin.  I actually drink it with green tea, it makes for a lovely relaxed moment in ones hectic life.  I have diffused it and the smell is wonderful, it really does bring a calming effect into the room.  It seems to rejuvenate and in one study in Munich it led to a complete remission of herpes simplex.  I love these oils, that bringing the ancient knowledge into the modern world and find that it is still as effect now as it was then.  That it opens the door to complementing our health care with that of Western Medicine that needs a boost.
The Earth still provides for us.  It on many levels can aid us into wellness.
For those of you who love to be inspired and want to take moments in your day to contemplate, there are these lovely oracle cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish, she is much into Fractal Art, which I have loved since the number sequences formed these lovely pictures.  I do believe the more we find ways to connect back into ourselves the more we have the opportunity to change the planet.  It is all about one person at a time.  One person can lift the many.
Live your day in wonder!.....Live you day in Light!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Re - New - All

If you aren't aware of it by now, we really are moving into a different type of paradigm, we have never been here before.  We are making different choices, new opportunities are knocking at our doors.  Today I had a visit from Crow.  It is rare that a Crow comes to my yard or neighborhood but Crow is here.  Crow is about bringing magic into your life, not only magic but creation and spiritual strength.  The message I am getting is that we have the opportunity to embrace Re-New-All into our lives.  Re-New-All of our senses, Re-New-All of our creativity, our ability to create our own magic.  As the symbol of the Lotus it is about something so beautiful rising up out of the muck of the pond to delight our visual senses.
We have the opportunity each day to change something within us or around us that is no longer working, what would you like that to be today?  Maybe it is just becoming more aware of what is going on around us, such as just being aware that something different has occurred because Crow is in the yard.  Notice...Re-New your awareness of self.  Open the door to that beautiful day!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting Clear

Reactiveness how does that serve us.  I have recently been gifted with an experience that has put my whole family emotionally over the edge.  I have a loved one that is experiencing major health issues.  We have been upset because of the way the situation is being handled both by the spouse and the medical people.  My siblings and I have experienced being care givers and have insight to what works and what doesn't.  I am not going get into specifics but I do want to say this whole dynamic has been physically, emotionally draining and I see it also is very counterproductive.  I knew it was time that I look deep into my self to make a decision of how I want to continue with this.  I realized that I didn't want to continue swimming in this whirlpool reactivity and really want to move to pro-activity.  So when I am faced with big dilemma's in my life I usually turn to my Mayan Oracle Cards and yup, the card gave me the insight that I needed.  Simply it is about forgiveness and going through the Ho'Oponopono process to get myself clear.  I will give you information on the prayer to clearing these situations in our lives later.
What the card showed me was that other people in our lives act as mirrors for us.  They reflect back to us those shadows that dwell in us.  This reflection is a gift from this person to us, that opens the door to be cleared.  It truly does not serve any of us to carry and distribute these negative feelings or cycles.  It always brings to mind Jacob Marley in the Christmas Carol/Story dragging the chains of his making through life.  It is about clearing each link so we can be our highest and best self.  We can do this by forgiveness and love.  That is what the Ho'Oponopono prayer does for us.  I encourage you all to do some research in regards to Ho'Oponopono or TAT which is another process to get your self clear and free the energy to the light.  This prayer is from


Repeat constantly, not directed anywhere in particular, although you may offer it to the Divine, or your/others inner child. The energy and vibration of these words have the power to heal and cleanse all levels, in all directions of time and space. These are true 'words of power'. Somehow they connect with whatever needs their energy to heal,within us and others, and we do not even need to know what or how for it to be effective. Following, is another reputedly very powerful cleansing prayer. The intention is to cleanse any blocks and resistances, known and unknown, to the manifestaion of our good, and to clear the way for positive inspiration and manifestation. This prayer has great healing power. In Ho'oponopono, a person assumes 100% responsibility for their reality (with NO sense of self blame). They know that what they have created, they can change, for accepting responsibility means accepting power. Nothing is ever anyone else's fault. To change experience/reality there is only ever one thing to work's self. You may direct the following prayer to your god/dess, an experience, your past lives, any part of yourself or anyone your cat, dog, or even your may not make sense to your CONSCIOUS mind, but your DEEP MIND (subconscious/superconscious) really GETS IT. It can be instant, or a gradual process. Either way, it WORKS.
MORRNAH'S PRAYER (Hawaiian Shaman)
Divine creator, father, mother, son as one...If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness...Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure light....And it is done. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Shifting Vibrations

So many of us are now shifting our vibrations.  It is the time of heart knowing.  High vibrations from the heart.  I recently experienced a name change it also changes the vibration of my name.  When I changed my name to my birth name it changes my numerology from Jacquie which is a 3 to Jacquilene which is a 7.  
It was suggested that I play with the spelling but, as it turned out whether I spelled Jacqueline or Jacquilene it still was a 7, but the vibration between Jacqueline and Jacquilene is definitely different.  I felt this change in my heart.  I could feel the weight being lifted off of my heart, feeling free.  I know a few people who were called to changed their names, and in doing so their lives also changed.
The world was created via vibration/sound so it makes sense to birth into a higher octave of self a name change may be needed.
Have you noticed if we change to a higher octave of thought how it shifts the vibration of any given situation?

At this time I encourage us all to embrace the sweetness of life, take the opportunity to water the seeds of our dreams, play more, embrace your family more, seek that which empowers you.  We are Spiritual Beings here to learn to be human, this is about laughter, love and light.  We are all related...

Going with these changes I have changed the graphics on my blog, I hope you like the changes.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Captivating Music

I first heard this music yesterday and was captivated by it.  It is a little long, but if you look at it like a short mediation it may be the inhale and exhale you needed for the day.

Essential Oils

I find essential oils so interesting.  Last night I went to a educational night.  Learned about the oils, Lemongrass and Patchouli.  Lemongrass, great for lowering Cholesterol, varicose veins, sore throats.  Lemongrass in research has found that along with Geraniol that it can inhibit colon cancer cell growth.  Lemongrass is also good for draining Lymph glands of toxins.
Patchouli has some interesting properties, one is that because it can go through the blood brain barrier, and is a digester of toxins, so this can help with Glial Cells, which to those that are energy kinesiologist or anyone that works with brain issues it could be very useful in supporting the body system.  Any oils that contain Sesquiterpenes are good for helping the brain/body clear itself of toxins.  Patchouli also helps with depression, it makes a excellent insecticide, and sunblock.  With summer coming how perfect.
Oils are so interesting and so useful they do so many things to support our bodies.  With all the toxins are bodies take on from stress, the environment, so of the foods we consume, etc.. It is nice to have a natural substance that we can but in our medicine cabinets to aid in a given situation.  There are all kinds of books and research that is being done on essential oils so the information is readily available.
I will be posting information from time to time on the oils and what a great resource they are.  Let me know if this is helpful.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Again, can you feel it!

Life feels so super charged, can you feel it?  Can you feel the gathering of energy, can you feel the need to gather with your own companions of destiny?  This rich tapestry of new patterns that are set in motion.  Do you feel the drive to make sure you are clear of emotions that hold you in the past.  Getter done, my friends it doesn't serve us to hang on to them.  Do you feel the energy of all the support we have from guides, guardians, teachers and love ones on the other side, if there is even such a thing anymore.  
I was watching Dr. Oz the other day and watched as they were showing how to breathe, that we get so involved that we forget to breathe deeply.  It felt so wonderful to take those slow deep breaths and feel that oxygen flow through my body, to feel my body calm, to feel it get nurtured by the air I was breathing.  Such a simple thing but yet so powerful.
It is time to be a peace with ourselves, as well as be in sacred trust with ourselves, for us all to breathe in this new expanded super charged energy.  Think of the place you find peace in and then breathe it in, fill yourself with this brilliant light that knows no end....Just breathe!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Interesting Read

With the thoughts of how we are changing and how we are attempting to get clearer about ourselves and the world around us, I wanted to toss out there a book that I thought was a excellent read.  The book is called Your Souls Plan, by Robert Schwartz.  I won't go into a lot of detail but the book is about the plan that we all made before incarnating into this life time.  Some wonderful mediums were used to get the information on each person in the book the Schwartz did a interview with.  It is about the fact that we all planned each thing that we are doing here.  What I found was as I read the book I found that it really helped me in taking harsh judgements out of some of life's circumstances.  Mr. Schwartz really gives you a new perspective on why some people made the choices to have certain experiences.  I hope you have a chance to read it....
I thank my good friend Dale for suggesting it to me....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can You Feel It

I just thought I would toss the question out there.  Can you feel the change in energy?  Can you feel the spark of something great happening?  Are you seeing or experiencing yourself the manifestation of things you have wanted to happen for yourself?  Are you seeing more things on angels, a friend of mine even went to the symphony and it was about angels.  Are we shifting out of the negative fields of energy.  Are we preparing for the next energetic shift?  I think that as we move into the second month of 2011, that the year is already proving that it is a year to stand up and take note.
In drew a card from my Mayan Oracle deck, I asked what is it that the energy is showing us, I drew the card ETZNAB, the messages this card conveys is that we now have an opportunity to see the truth about ourselves and take care of our unfinished business.  To take a look at what is standing between us and the light.  We are being given insight into who we truly are.  Now is not the time to stay stuck in any situation.  Our growth comes from moving forward.  Others will reflect like a mirror back to us what we need to see about ourselves.  We all have parts of self that we have kept hidden, even from ourselves and now is the time to deal with it.  Now is the time to let go of judgements against ourselves and others.  This is a time of forgiveness, to self and others, let go of the burdens you carry.
Its kind of like finding Waldo, in all the business can you find your true self, can you find the light being that you are.
I find this a time of opportunity to get clear with who we are and what we are doing here.  To shine as much light as possible, to shine that light in the dark corners of our lives to no longer live in fear.
We together as a collective can bring forth so much light, so much understanding.  Lets all stand in the light!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Seeds of Gratitude

Seeds of Gratitude give rise to Loves Bloom

Blessing Seed illustration by Alison Dexter*

“If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow.”
-Rachel Carson
A wise, dear friend once taught me our Soul-Purpose in this world is to tend our Sacred Garden.  I believe this to be true.  This same friend, who understands the freedom found in cultivating ones’ own life, is now serving time in the state penitentiary. A paradox in many ways and a profound mirror of something I deeply acknowledge:  We teach what we most desire to learn.
How can one such being, over-flowing with potential and a deep desire to be of service, seemingly turn into a ‘bad seed’?  More poignantly, is there such a thing? Or rather, do we choose the optimum conditions for our growth and then remember to bloom where we are planted?
I believe this to be true, as well.
As we flow through the seasons of Life, we daily plants seeds of possibility in the landscape of the heart.  We nourish these with our thoughts and water them with our tears of joy and the sweat of sweet-release.  We must be ever diligent to pull suckers and weeds that would choke out the light and steal vital resources required for strong growth.
With attention, we learn each seed has its own Divine timing, we can no more hurry it to fruit than make the sun rise or set.
Tree in Four SeasonThis, our Sacred Garden, is teacher, playground and friend. Through communion and stewardship we remember ALL things are Sacred, and so come home to thrive in the light of Love, our hearts blooming with planted Seeds of Gratitude.
True to her nature, this same friend catalyzed the creation of a green jobs program for inmates, offering training in emerging fields, as well as daily mentoring in conscious creation and making change from the inside out.  Not your standard program, though highly desired — and effective.
We are extremely proud to have been on the ground crew that helped to get it up and growing, and continue to witness the local community embrace, support and evolve the program.
One of many gifts and shifts to come out of this venture, is an evolutionary technique for tending the Sacred Garden, through the power of Gratitude.  More specifically, it teaches the art of planting Seeds of Gratitude in the heart, inviting each bearer to remember she/he is the Soul gardener of her/his sacred life, and able to enjoy a fruit-full experience no matter what the ‘outside’ world looks like.  Very powerful, indeed!
Cracked and Barren -- or is it?Now, one can imagine, some of these Sacred Garden plots have been long left untended … they are scarred, perceivably barren, and hardened from a lack of attention, nourishment and care.
This is true for many — for those behind physical bars, and even illusory ones built to protect a tender heart. Self-Love, Self-Nurturance, and Self-Appreciation are vital to replenishing the Sacred Garden within all our hearts and are truly the key to Freedom!
The ‘Seeds of Gratitude’ exercise is so powerfully effective, connective and empowering we are gratefully sharing it here, too!  We believe what we’ve witnessed thus far — in the gains, breakthroughs, and miraculous life shifts of those brave-hearts willing to give it a go —  this is only a small taste of the great harvest that lay waiting at the heart of Humanity.
Here’s the basic formula:
1) Draw a Gratitude symbol on a piece of paper.  Let it take up the whole space!  Simple Gratitude symbolNow, write in the center of the symbol something you are seeking to heal, understand, transform or release.
2) In the outer area, record all that you can be grateful for, in regards to this experience.  Be free with this!  Be creative!  Open your heart-mind to receive wisdoms nurturing Light and write, write, write.
3)  Choose one of these gifts.  The most touching, profound and clear. Now imagine this is a seed.  Place it in your heart, and feel its presence. Feel its wisdom.  Feel its gifts growing within you. Opening your heart. Nourishing your Soul.  Rising to touch and embody the Light of Love.
4)  Imagine taking the words written in the center of Gratitude.  Fold them and place them into your heart, too. Feel the Love you have grown in your heart embracing, transforming, enlightening these words, this experience.  Stay with this feeling while thinking about this experience.  Stay with this for a minimum of 33 seconds.
While you do this, you are re-programming the mind to Love this experience.  Cherish it.  Embrace it.  Be grateful for it! As you do, you become one with the Divine, in Love with All that IS, an expression of the Great-Full-Ness of Life!
Blessed be!
We created a printable .pdf file for easy download and use.  Simply click the image below to download the file:
Seeds of Gratitude Exercise. HeArt-Peace by Stacey Robyn
You’ll find the exercise is designed to transform challenge into gift, by revealing the ‘golden’ opportunites of every ‘leaden’ experience. This allows us to quickly move from judgement, shame, blame and guilt into Love, acceptance and appreciation.
Alternately, it can be used as a manifestation tool.  Simply place a vision, intent, or waking dream into the center of Gratitude, and write current and emerging ideas, inspirations, connections and resources in the outer circle.  This will accelerate and magnetize the forces of creation, as you focus on,feel, and witness the beauty of the Seeds of Gratitude now planted at the heart of YOU!
As you put this powerful process into practice, please come back and share your results with us.   This process is a continual evolution — a Come-Unity Sacred Garden, you might say!
On that same note, please feel free to share this exercise widely!  Blog it.  Post it.  Email it onward.  Share your experiences, linking here so others, too, can share their golden moments of Gratitude!
Blessings to all as we grow ever inward and onward!

“Within life’s most difficult challenges
lie the seeds of our greatest gifts.”
D. Lightmoon


The World Gratitude Gathering is flowing and growing now!
Join us as we gather to plant seeds of Gratitude, Align with the Hearts calling and embrace the Great-Full-Ness of Life!

** For reasons of confidentiality, the Source of this exercise must remain anonymous.  It is with great thanks, Love and deep appreciation that we acknowledge her contributions in the world, and send blessings beyond measure to her, and all the women she serves, that they may know the difference their courage makes in the world!**
Ukehi shi’bijii - Thank you for being our heart