Sunday, December 13, 2009


Sometimes this time of year it is hard to slow down enough to see what nature is showing us.  I have been on the go all week and decided that today was going to be the quiet day at home.  Slow down take a breath.  It is going well.  What I have been shown today is we have a family of Pheasants in our yard along with our several dozen Quail.  Our yard is so full of bird life that it feels like are whole yard is in movement.  My husband can't keep the bird bath water full.

As I was finishing with the Christmas decorating I noticed that my huge Jade Plant is in bloom.  I had no idea that Jade plants flowered even.

So many blessings have been visited to me.  I went to a lecture on Thursday and saw several people that I hadn't seen in years.  It made me realize how much I missed meeting with people from many walks of life but all have the common goal of expanding our awareness...our consciousness.  I had forgotten how wonderful group energy can be and how life is really kinetic and if we are not interacting with life then we are just going through the motions.  If we talk of the global community and want to contribute, we need to be engaged with that community.  I have spent too many years in isolation so to speak.  I have froze in movement, no moving forward in a physical way, emotionally, mentally.  I think I really devalued how much I need the engagement with others, I will be changing how I do things.
I haven't drawn a card for the blog or a bit so I thought with all that has opened to my awareness I wonder what a card would bring.  I drew the card CIMI...CIMI is about forgiveness and surrender in order to have a transition.  Its about pruning away old growth, clearing away the things that no longer serve you.  Move into life.  "Through awareness and clear intention, old patterns can magically shift, offering you a loving hand that shows a new way."  What a blessing, what a gift.  What is your world showing you.  Is it showing you the areas of your life that need change?  Is it showing you the parts of your life that needs forgiveness, either for yourself or other?
Its time to reweave your life tapestries, weave them with more like, weave them with new intention, weave them with love.

Time for change is now in this moment.....

Thursday, November 26, 2009


So how have we chosen to give our thanks for the wonders that we have in our world.  As I have been driving from point A to point B gathering items for our feast, I looked out over our valley and looked to the sky, to acknowledge what a beautiful place we live in.  I give thank for that.  When I drew the card for this post I asked what do we need to know on this day of Thanks--Giving.  I drew the card Eb, from the Mayan Oracle...of course what it has to say is perfect for this day of Thanks--Giving.
"Now is a time for celebration!  With Eb, you have received the cosmic cornucopia of abundance, the grail for which you have yearned.  Open as the receptive chalice.  Lift you empty cup, that it might be filled and quickended with expanded consciousness.  Your circuits are being prepared for transformation through the activation of the gifts of Spirit.
These precious and often subtle gifts may be overlooked in your busyness.  Slow down.  Be receptive, freed from expectation.  Even if this is a difficult time, open your heart to receive.  Sweep clear your schedule and your mind.  Ready yourself to be penetrated and quickened with this vortex of empowerment.  Through the fruits offered by this star-glyph, you are being activated, cleared, and tuned to become a fully potentiated human being.  You are a chalice, an open vessel to recieve the unlimited resonance of the expanded self.  Embrace the mystery that the chalice of your human form is actually the chalice of the spiraling galaxies!
Shadow Wisdom
Do you see your cup as bieng half empty instead of being half full?  Do you feel a lack of love, support, or money?  If so, you may be experiencing shadow of Eb.  These issues of self-limitation are arising from your past to be healed.  Herein lies the key to the cornucopia.  Are you projecting responsibility for your own feeling or lack onto someone else?  No one else can fill your cup.  Be self-nurturing.  Discover what gives you joy and fulfillment.  Be receptive and decide what you can do to fill your own cup.  Then the universe will naturally fill you with your heart's desire.
Another shadow of Eb is either over- or undervaluing your intellect.  Eb asks you to befriend your mind.  Old negative patterns such as confusion and anxiety of "trying to figure it out" may be surfacing at this time.  Working with Eb can transform the very circuits of your brain.  In meditation, allow a feeling, metaphor, or image to surface in order to assist in rewiring these fixed mental patterns.  Be open to what is presented, and bring it itnto action in your life.  Embrace the magnificence of your mind and natural design.  Be empty and aware, that you might be filled with limitless abundance and light.
Do you evaluate and judge yourself as not being all that you could be?  Lovingly understand your humanness, rather than attempting to transcend the body-mind and its emotions, pains, and problems.  Quicken and align your senses with a more mythical intent.  Honor your body as a sacred chalice of Essence Self."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chicchan for the second time....Pay Attention

I have put the whole Magical Child Poem from the Mayan Oracle because this card came up for the second time, so this says to me that we need to understand more and we NEED TO PAY ATTENTION, what is going on in our world.  Are we seeing the powerful beings that we are, if not, it may be time to look.

I am Chicchan,
   molten magma of pure life force,
   vibrant, vermillion flame of awakening and purification.
I am the heat, power, and vitality of crative essence.
I am instinctual wisdom.
I sense solutions and secrets
   within the belly of your being.
I am the flame of pure purpose galvanized within you!
I am the promise of awakening
   and the luminous lotus,
   crown of illumination.
I am the sacred fire of the serpent's dance
   lying coiled within you,
   until stirred to wakefulness
   in lightning quickness or serpentine grace.

My sacred river will ignite
   your whirling wheels of spendor,
   setting them spinning into the dance
   of their own divine timing.
As I dance with you,
I gently light the pathway of your natural unfoldment.

Fulfill your desire for sacramental intimacy
   and transcendent union
   in the divine dance with the Eternal Beloved.
When summoned in love,
I am the flint and tinder of the sacred fire,
   the potent energy that unifies
   the instinctual passion of beings
   with their divine nature.
It is I who provide the serpent feathers
   with which to make wings.

Open to your enlivened passion!
I am the scred serpent,
   and it is my effulgent light
   flowing vitally through your being
   that initiates you into the sacred chamber
   wherein abides the crown of purest love,
   awaiting, like a silken lotus, to adorn you.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Motivation, Desire, Creativity

I know I haven’t written on my blog for a bit, so I thought today is the perfect day, this is the perfect moment. Just do it!

The card I drew from the Mayan Oracle is Chicchan, of course the words are so perfect, everything that has taken place in the last week or so. It also goes along with what we saw in our visions for each other on 11-11-11. Also what we put into the fire.

“Chicchan’s qualities are: passion, sensing, body wisdom, motivation, desire, instinct, creativity, serpent, kundalini, integration, purification, intimacy.”

“Chicchan is the vital life force that encourages you to act intuitively in the moment! Follow your gut-level instincts and intuition. Sense the solutions to your concerns. What do you instinctively sense about your current situation? What motivates your choices? Listen to the temple of wisdom in your body. Allow it to integrate all levels of your being. Create a relationship with your body that will free you of the entrapments of past patterns.

The vital fire of purification can serve your clearing process at this time. Chicchan’s instinctual transformation is available to ignite and purify your body. Listen to the teachings and insights of the energy of each chakra. Utilize your passion in the tangible expression of your creativity. Bring your entire being into attunement with your sacred fire.

Be willing to look at issues you have concerning intimacy and sexuality. Make sure that you are not separated from the dance of passion that is in union with your divine nature. Sense your deeper desire for union and intimacy. Chicchan calls on you to awaken your vitality, body wisdom, and passion for life.”

Chicchan reminds me of the Red Orange Fire of a tree in the fall.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hopefully the third time is the charmer.  This is the third post I have tried.  The other two posts I was trying to get a photo on the page but it keeps locking up my computer so I guess you get the no frills version, until I can figure out what the deal is.
What has been coming up for me is about the tapestries we are weaving for our selves.  What we are manifesting in my/our lives.  What types of threads are we weaving, are they threads that no longer serve a purpose are they, new threads that we are weaving.  What are our new tapestries going to look like.
This morning I drew the Card Kan, from the Mayan Oracle by Spilsbury & Bryner.  It fits right into what has been presenting to me and others I have talked with.
"Receiving Kan indicates that now is an auspicious time to plant the seed of some intention, project, or dream.  The energy of Kan asks you to look at the issue of receptivitiy,for seeds germinate best in a field of responsive surrender.  What can you do to create the receptivity that will assist in the germination of your seed ideas?
Remember that all seeds are self-germinated and that the realization of any dream starts with a simple thought.  Don't get lost in the entire process of manifestation; just begin by seeding your heart's desire.  Feel the possibility of your dream seed emerging.  Your life is the receptive soil.  Plant a seed in that fertile field.  Begin.  The result will naturally blossom in the light of your willingness to start.
All seeds hold the holographic power of their own completion.  Kan represents the power that directs the vital processes of an organism toward wholeness.  Continue on this journey of manifestation by following your deepest feeling and dreams.
Shadow Wisdom
Are you a "sleeper" who wants to remain protected and seemingly invulnerable?  Are you unconsciously limiting yourself by supporting the illusion of safety and security in the apparent protection of you shell?  Be willing to break the constraining shells of self-concepts and life's structures.  Be freed of old patterns and beliefs that once provided safety, and move forward into new possiblilities.  Beyond the confines of security and the routine patterns of daily life, unknown possibilities beckon.
Look at how you may be limiting your natrual growth.  Don't wait for what seems to be the perfect conditions to plant your seeds.  Now is the season; cultivate your seeds.  You are the receptive soil, your desire will maturally draw its own support.  All your dreams and desires lie within you to be awakened.  The answer is inside, not outside.  Remember that seeds contain the complete hologram of the whole and that within the process of growth, answers and insights are always offered.  Plant your intentions; they will quicken, guide, and manifest the mysteries in your depths."

I know this is a very powerful message and hopefully will hit home for many.  Birth these new ideas.  Bring into life more light, more laughter.  We are all weaving a new web, how will you part weave into the fabric of  the New Earth.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I find/feel like I am beginning a new phase in my life. I have to say that opening my door for synchronicity and getting out of my way so the very things that I have been wanting can come into my sphere.
As I was writing in my journal this morning about the new things that have come into my life this week and watching the beauty of how it all manifested I was struck my what I was writing then matched the card I drew and in turn matched what was on my calendar which is sayings by Eckhart Tolle' The New Earth and The Power of Now.

"Your entire life unfolds in this constant Now. Even past or future moments only exist when you remember or anticipate them, and you do so by thinking about them in the only moment there is; this one."

Living in the present moment is a skill we all could learn. I found that I future paced so much of my, I want to accomplish list, that I rarely and by fluke I would actually see something manifest. So I have gone through life with a sense of not getting alot accomplished. Thank heavens things are a changin. So I now present parts of the card I drew from the Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner.
Caban is the card.
"If you drew Caban, center your awareness within the core of self. Gifts are being made available to you directly from the Earth force. Center yourself in the present moment, and you will open the door to all knowledge, times and abilities. From there, you enter a space that enables you to see and act more clearly. Open the central channel of your being. Be sacramentally rooted where you are now, to receive the many gifts of the present moment.
Sit in relationship with the energies of the Earth, as a shaman would sit in a forest. Take time to listen to the information being transmitted through your feet. Walk into your life. Find and do what gives you joy. From this place of centeredness, magical happenings spring and synchronicity abounds, helping you to access clues to the cosmic puzzle.
In drawing Caban, you are being offered an awareness of synergy or synchronicities, are the sparkling points of illumination in the tapestry of magic. Watch for these seeming coincidences and strong feelings as clues to your larger purpose. Learn to observe and digest data and feelings until conclusions emerge naturally. Be alert to natural synergies developing with others of similar intent. Remember, you hold the Earth within you. You are the global family, the keeper of the Earth's garden."
"Shadow Wisdom..."
"In your everyday world, are you often focused on the past or the future? do you find it difficult to just be in the present moment? The larger pattern of you life is shaping itself now. All you need do is hold a clear intention to live and move more fully in the present. Your Essence Self knows the perfect timing and pattern of your unfoldment."

Friday, September 18, 2009


Judgement and Criticism according to Carolyn Myss Ph.D in her book Anatomy of a Spirit, Judgement and Criticism has to do with the 5th Chakra and the fifth Chakra is Throat, Thyroid, Trachea, Neck vertebrae, Mouth Teeth and gums, Esophogus, Parathyroid, Hypothalamus. "Energy connection to the emotional/mental body: The fifth chakra resonates to the numerous emotional and mental struggles involved in learning the nature of the power of choice. All illness has a connection to the fifth chara, because choice is involved in every detail of our lives and therefore in every illness."
I find this profound, I know it has been said many ways but I find this paragraph really answers a lot. I have to say I haven't read this book from front to cover but right here right now I will. Especially the fifth chakra chapter. At the end of the chapter she outlines 5 questions or maybe I should say five rules.
"The greatest act of will in whcih we can invest our spirtis is to choose to live according to these rules."
"1. Make no judgements
2. Have no expectations.
3. Give up the need to know why things happen as they do.
4. Trust that the unscheduled events of our lives are a from of spiritual direction.
5. Have the courage to make the choices we need to make, accept what we cannot change, and have the wisdome to know the difference."

We all tend to be our own worst enemy. Speaking for myself I find that I am constantly making judgements and criticisms of myself. So I am asking myself how in the world can that serve me? Do you do this to yourself? I am working on being a better friend to me. Making choices that better serve, not living life from fear.

The picture I have posted reminded me of the wisdom of the ancient tree and that new growth comes from that tree. Moss always reminds me of a soft pillow you could lay your head upon.

May your day be filled with wonderful choices. The choice to be all that you can be.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where are we

Magenta seems to be showing up more in my life. Not sure if that is true for others.
Magenta - "Strengthens contact with your life purpose. Stimulates adrenaline and heart activity. Builds up the aura." From RealMagick website.
When I chose the picture to post for this time I wanted to bring the color magenta in. I also thought what else needs to go with this. So when I opened my Mayan Oracle book it presented Cauac. I am just taking the paragraphs that both of my thumbs were touching, and I have to say it truly fits. These are the questions and concerns I having playing in my life right now. It will be interesting to know if this applies in your life.
"I am Cauac(k'a wak)
Ask nothing less of me.
I am born of unity to claim its own!
How palpable is your trust in the pattern of perfection?
How powerful is your commitment to rebirth?
How real is your faith to pilgrimage into the realm of the unknown
To what would you cling in my fiery vortex?
After the hear of surrender, I will usher you
into the cooling waters
and the ecstasy of your true identity."

"Cauac prepares you to go through an apparently insurmountable wall, and the intense feelings around this "wall" provide the very fuel that will propel you through it. These feeling are the access to your hidden power and potential. Be purified by the cleansing rain and transmuting lightning of Cauac. Feel the embrace of the thunderbeings. Discover the freedom of the true adventurer, the freed "actor" who can play any part at any moment without attachment. Trust your Essence Self to bring this freedom to you. Through Cauac, allow yourself to become a master player in the great game."
Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner

So my prickly magenta flower really reflects these words. Is Magenta moving in your life?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Global Community

I am finding that I am doing each weeks post a little different, which that works. Tonight I just opened the Mayan Oracle book with my eyes closed and where ever my right thumb was touching would be the message. It is so interesting that it really is what is coming up for many. Where exactly do we fit into the global community, what is the part we are here to play. Because I think it important I will write the whole paragraph. Each must clear and find what really is important in this life we are leading. The paragraph is from the card call Men.
"Men reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers your personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener, a transformer, an empowered global visionary. In your vision, you have compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the light of global consciousness. Ask yourself how you might experience compassion toward self, the Earth, and others. Be guided toward types of work, relationships. places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures. Allow your spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary perspective. Affirm? "Through you, Gaia, I am also transformed! I am awakening as the return of divine love and light. We are all one, Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed, and together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers.""
I really must say here how much this is so right on for what I am experiencing right now. Hearing what kind of negative talk I give to myself, how often I forget what a powerful being I am, and what powerful beings we all are. How through these changes we become overwhelmed, but in that overwhelm we may have our biggest insights.
Be open to these changes welcome the opportunity.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Awareness

I feel like we are all on the brink of a new awareness a new way of being. A new awakening. Looking down into a tree stump and seeing a fairyland you didn't even know existed. Even though our dreams seem to be eluding us its like we are being prepped for something bigger coming our way. We are all being given signs, signals and sensings and this awareness is effecting many. I decided this week that I would write more about happenings around me and not really read a card, but the Mayan Oracle book was laying on my desk and I picked it up and low and behold the very thoughts I have addressed here is also addressed by the page I turned to. Its about remembering who we are, our total wholeness of who we are. In order to support that in ourselves is to surround us with others who will let us fully express ourselves. As always be open to receive and amp up your light.
Reframe your internal dialogue.
I think we are opening the door to a huge open, be aware, be light

Sunday, August 23, 2009

IK (eek')

This weeks card is IK (eek'), its about Spirit, breath, wind, inspiration, presece, truth, co-creator of reality, simplicity, unseen forces, integration of polarities.
"Open to the breath of Spirit so that you can be guided and inspired! Awaken to the unseen that already infuses your experience! Amidst the seeming complexity, simply stop and breathe...simplify...slow down. Grasping and holding on will onlyu slow your growth process. Move in honesty and truth. Consider whether your choices drive from the movement of Spirit or from the sonstriction of unconscious beliefs and limiting definitions. Be as guileless and spontaneous as the wind. Move with the currents of change that are being offered. Embrace the unseen foreces that move to guide, inspire, and assitst you.
Your are being quickened. Remember that you and Spirit are co-creating your relaity. Be inspired. Know that your heart's dreams are animated by the presecne of the Divine Breath! Stop for a moment and feel this presence. Presence is the potent indwelling Spirit within you. Be open, aware, and present. By simply being, your true identity and presence emanate naturally.
In your present situation, allow yourself to be seen as you truly are. You are being asked to be aware of the polarities within you, to create a unified field of you full presence. There is tremendous power in wholeness. Open in this moment to vitalizing currents of Spiritus."

Mirrors that may be reflecting back to you are: "Doubting your connection to divintiy, issues of separation. Feelings of being locked into a prison of density and forgetfulness. Have you felt betrayed, abandoned, or separated without knowing why?" These are the things that we need to balance and release so that we can fulfill all that we are meant to be.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Heaven is where you stand!

Sorry I am a day late in posting but it is what it is. The card draw for the week is called Ben, Ben is the card that states the your growth edges hold the greatest magic. Its about connecting to the Heart. It says, "I am Ben, here to bridge you with a remembered message from your own heart: You are a pillar of light on Earth, and heaven is where you stand!
In regards to your growth edges, "by exploring those edges, you develop understanding and compassion for others who, like you, are using the Earth experience for their growth and evolution. Explore, expand, remember your wings. A mysterious journey awaits you, messenger of light, when you have the courage to step into a new reality. You have embarked on a quest of balance.
What do you experience at the thought of moving into the unknown, with no guarantees? You are being asked to explore what may appear fearful and unfamiliar territory, where you points of reference have become fluid. This part of your journey is like floating in space without the restriction of gravity. I can be slightly unsettling at first, but as you get used to it, the mystery becomes exciting and courage arises naturally to meet each new challenge.
Remember you reality is maintained by your beliefs and patterns, which may be viewed as fixed reference points. When these points change, your reality shifts.
Created a balance between your spiritual needs and your life's journey, draw ever more light into yourself, its will infuse and radiate from you, coloring your world with compassion."
Notice that during this time you may feel like retreating, to isolate yourself and this is normal. It may seem difficult to deal with the abrasive edges of the everyday world.

I found that this card really reflects what many are going through right now. Many are working on changing their beliefs and patterns to see life in a more clear way.

Friday, August 7, 2009

MEN this weeks card

I just can't get over how timely these card draws are.
Not too long ago I made the comment that I felt like I had just awakened from a deep sleep. I realized how disconnected I was from my life. So many of us are experiencing that same thing. Awaken to love, awaken to your dreams, awaken to all you can be.
Drawing MEN is the hope to realize your most cherished dreams. To believe in yourself and in your dreams and visions, no matter how they may be perceived by others. Joyfully dance on Earth, in the mantle of sound and light arising from you crystalline core. Awake and remember you path of service, your planetary seeding, your mythic call and promise in these magical times. Be all that you are! This is the time of the gathering of eagles.
MEN reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers you personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener, a transformer, and empowered global visionary. Ask your self how you might experience compassion toward self, the Earth, and others. Be guided toward types of work, relationships, places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures.
Explore what gives you joy and satisfaction. Come out of the background! You, who see the one world with the vision of the eagle, came to create things of unsurpassed beauty, there is a larger purpose for you being here in this time of great transformation! Sniff down trails of feeling and synchronistic experience to find clues to your journey of awakening. Be hopeful. Believe in yourself! Believe in your vision!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I listened to a program yesterday about balancing of the Neurotransmitters. It was very interesting. In iLEAP we have protocols that enters us into the areas of the brain that effected by the Neurotransmitters and what happens to the body when they are not in balance. John Maquire from the Kinesiology Institute in California gave the talk. He is looking at the balancing from the things that anyone can do for themselves to bring them into balance. Exercise is one that is consistent for each Neurotransmitter. He then lists what Hormones to use for each one that helps bring them into balance. What foods help bring them into balance and things to avoid that will throw them off balance immediately. The main Neurotransmitters are Dopamine, Acetylcholine, GABA, Serotonin. The areas of the brain that each effect are: Dopamine - Frontal Lobes...Low Dopamine can lead to substance abuse, alcohol abuse to self medicate, to increase dopamine.
Acetylcholine - Parietal Lobes...Low Dopamine can lead to autism, eye disorders, slow movement
GABA - Temporal Lobes...allergies, carbo cravings,high and low blood pressure.
Serotonin - Occipital Lobes - depression, drug and alcohol abuse, back aches, allergies, sleep disorders.
This is just a sample of some of things Neurotransmitters that aren't imbalance can cause.
The Edge Effect By Braverman, sorry didn't get the first name. John said that this book researches the Neurotransmitters and the role in our lives.

I guess why I am writing about this is partly for myself but also to bring awareness to others. That exercise should take a priority in our lives that it does more than just give our heart and legs a workout, it gives our brain the much needed balance of our Neurotransmitters that help us function at a higher level in life. That bring us balance in our daily living.

Choice Points

I made the commitment to draw a card once a week and post it. I am being shown how we all are at Choice Points every moment of the day. We are being energetically guided to move out of these life patterns that no longer serve us. To lighten our loads in life and realize what a gift life is and by being a active participant in life we will reap more energy, more creativity.
The card draw is Kan from the Mayan Oracle.
"I am Kan,
the bodhi-mandala,
creative seed, possibility eruptings;
Temple-lit realm of the shimmering, golden vitality of life
quickening seed into responsive surrender,
gestating form.
Oh, fertile soil thou are!
The cosmic seed takes root in thee.
To follow thy joy will set it free!
you are the seed
that quickens itself to wakefulness taking root.
In simple receptiveness, be present with you dream.
Offer clear intent,
Receive the golden wisdom of the sun
and fertile Earth in nourishment,
that you may bring the glowing, vital force into visible form!
I am Kan...
I watch eagerly
for the hardy shoots to emerge
from the seeds you have planted.
I attend them faithfully,
for your dreams, visions, heart's desires
are the seeded pattern that glitters on the fabric of creation,
giving it joyful form and radiant luster.
Your self-germinating seeds hold
the potential of the greatest magic:
the recognition and loving embrace
of your Godseed Self.
The divine impulse within you calls you forth.
The creator is born in the creation."

Much that is happening right now is about getting us to awaken from this sleep we have put ourselves into. To awaken to a new path in life, a new way to be. I hope these cards will spark some interest in what seeds you still want to cultivate.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My naming of Soul Tapestries

I guess crane needed to be here as well...has nothing to do with my experience in the dream, but there are no accidents. :) This is a Whooping Crane by the way.

It was brought to light this morning that I needed to post this poem from the Mayan Oracle on my blog, which I have so neglected for weeks. I have been getting the message that I need to maybe draw a card once a week and post what it has to say. It is being shown to me that many may receive inspiration or thought changes by me doing this. I just wanted to give you a brief background as to using the tool of the Mayan Oracle. In about 1998 I had the privileged of meeting and doing a healing drum circle with Michael Bryner, one of the co-authors of the Mayan Oracle. Michael made a powerful impact in my life. Michael passed away not too long after my meeting him but I cherish each moment we had together both on this side of the veil and the other side of the veil. He impacted so many peoples lives. These poems that he always called the Magical Child. I write this in honor and gratitude of this gift these cards have come to be to me.
These reason I drew this card today was because of a dream I had last night about a Hawk looking me in the eyes and then turning and pulling a tail feather from himself and gifting it to me. For more understanding I asked what more do I need to understand about this dream with Hawk. The answer was the card Imix. Here is the poem.
"I Am Imix, Primal Mother.
Still, dark womb of the patterned potential of becoming, sacred, interstellar genesis, I Am.
Nourishing, fertile abyss, I birth you.
Benevolent, my might cauldron of primal waters,
enveloping the living seed.
Eternal is my embrace.
As you are trusting and receptive,
I sustain you with the sweet wine of my many gifts.
I bathe your seed essence with abundant life force,
for I Am the primal sound of creation,
the potent energy and vibration of the undivided waters.
As stillness sources movement,
so this tender seed is protected
within my devoted watchfulness.
I Am the divine cradle of potential realized through primal trust.
I hold you close, my beloved,
for you are of my lifeblood and do arise
from the depth of my tender power,
which is the very substance of your heart.
It is I who weaves the web
of universal connectedness of all life.
Within my silken tapestry is the story
of the one womb that I Am,
each shimmering thread leading back to me,
Mother Mystic Spider.
Spinning arms of my galaxies embracing you,
my form becoming your form,
weaving silken tapestry...all form...all form yielding to no form
within which my womb is the Great Mystery.
Holy, hollowed temple from which springs
the sweet song of creation, melody divine,
I sing you,
my cherished essence,
gentle nourishment on your path of awakening."

Through this Magical Child Poem the name of my company....Soul Tapestries was created. Weaving Light on the Web of Life.
I hope if you are drawn to Oracle Card/Tarot Cards that you would add the Mayan Oracle to your collection. It really is a huge aide in moving into your own becoming.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Keeping it simple

I am always on the look out of some simple phrase or word that would explain easily what it is that we do with Energy Kinesiolog and I found this explanation.
"We ignite the circuitry of your potential."
This work is a wonder to me, that we can hold meridian acupressure points and it releases the tension/stress in the body, simpley amazing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


We gather more light within and out when we Potentiate bringing in the light. Practice brings Radiance, Glow, Energy to ourselves. We get back what we send out. Fillings our cups, flowing eternal. Glory in the morning.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's Done

That was interesting, I was trying to get a picture to go with what I was saying, couldn't get it to work. So I guess its just in the words today. I completed my classes for LEAP Training for the last two years. Still have some things to do to get the certification but it feels strange to be done. I opened a book that I have on the Tao....the first paragraph describe some of the feelings I have been having. Where does one go from here. How does one begin a practice if they never have had a practice....anyway words from the Tao....
If you want to be a great leader, you must learn to follow the Tao.
Stop trying to control. Let go of fixed plans and concepts and the world will govern itself.
The more prohibitions you have, the less virtuous people will be. The more weapons you have, the less secure people will be. The more subsidies you have the less self-reliant people will be. Therefore the Master says:
I let go of the law,
and people become honest.
I let go of economics,
and people become prosperous.
I let go of religion,
and people become serene.
I let go of all desire for the common good,
and the good becomes common as grass.

Some words of wisdom for me......

Monday, April 6, 2009



by: Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

HE dawn is smiling on the dew that covers
The tearful roses; lo, the little lovers
That kiss the buds, and all the flutterings
In jasmine bloom, and privet, of white wings,
That go and come, and fly, and peep and hide,
With muffled music, murmured far and wide.
Ah, the Spring time, when we think of all the lays
That dreamy lovers send to dreamy mays,
Of the fond hearts within a billet bound,
Of all the soft silk paper that pens wound,
The messages of love that mortals write
Filled with intoxication of delight,
Written in April and before the May time
Shredded and flown, playthings for the wind's playtime,
We dream that all white butterflies above,
Who seek through clouds or waters souls to love,
And leave their lady mistress in despair,
To flit to flowers, as kinder and more fair,
Are but torn love-letters, that through the skies
Flutter, and float, and change to butterflies

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sky Bridge

I love when the clouds create these wonderful pictures. Its interesting how my brain can remember what pictures I have, but dang if I can remember things I have studied.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Full Moon

Just as the moon appears over the trees, we also need to look through and above the trees. Astrology is confirming what we are experiencing. At the moment we were born there was a configuration in the heavens. Many think that Astrology just includes the nine planets but it really includes our whole galaxy and beyond. Included in your birth is all the the constellations, astroids, etc. Each has vibrational influence in your life. Nick Anthony Fiorenza has this wonderful website called the his concept is the influence that the Moon has on us as well as Sidereal Astrology. I am going to quote a paragraph from this months Full Moon and what it is giving us an opportunity to do.
"This Full Moon Grand Square, in it higher octave, thus creates a challenging tension to move through this intense time with creative authority, with self-empowerment to rise to the occasion. There is a way, and it demands our active participation. Perhaps the scales have tipped such that it is time for humanity to realize, nay to embrace the fact, that we steer our evolutionary course and can no longer hide in denial. In fact, we are not separate from our beloved Earth, but are atoms(adoms) composing the harmonic signature of Earth. Each and every one of us has an active role, whether we realize it or not, in creating the collective geo-physical resonance of our planet. We directly affect the stress and strain of our planetary system by internal resonance we hold moment-by-moment--the synergy of our spiritual-mental-emotional-physical tone. We affect seismicity as well as the weather just as we affect the emotional tone of our daily lives and collectively compose that of the world. Consider that it is up to us if we move through this unprecedented transition occurring on Earth in harmony or tragedy--as the avatars(starts) are merely our guides. We must have mature audacity, not arrogant naivete', to participate as responsible co-creators in this new consciousness emerging on Earth. This is why it behooves us to help all peoples on Earth through this time ahead, as all of us together create the majesty of this grand symphony."

Sunday, March 8, 2009

On March 11th it is the full moon. If you haven't already noticed it shining through your windows at night. It makes a beautiful night light.
Much is going on in the heavens these days and many have noticed the suble changes, some not so suble. Many of us are being given the opportunity to make major changes in our lives. The door is open to create what we want. Though it is un-nerving to see so many structures crumbling before us it really is a reawakening into what would we love to rebuild. What do we want. Do we want to rebuild a life that doesn't deplete the Earth. The New Life Theme can be creating community, creating something that will be more solid. Maybe even a government for the people by the people. Can we shine this new light on our lives. Can we make the choice of happiness. Open the doors to the new. See the blessings we are being given.
We are all related...we are a global community...lets build in light...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

By day I praised you

and never knew it.

By night I stayed with you

and never knew it.

I always thought that

I was me.....but no,

I was you

and never knew it.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Light Opens In The Sky

"There was something formless and perfect before the universe was born.
It is serene. Empty.
Solitary. Unchanging.
Infinite. Eternally Present.
It is the mother of the universe.
For the lack of a better name.
I call it the TAO.

It flows through all things,
inside and outside, and returns
to the origin of all things.

The TAO is great.
The univers is great.
Earth is great.
Man is great.
These are the four great powers.

Man follows the earth.
Earth follows the univers.
The universe follows the TAO.
The TAO follows only itself."

The TAO Ching by Stephen Mitchell

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Beginning

I was going to write a whole thing about LEAP and Energy Kinesiology but that will come. I thought maybe I should give you some background, after all this is my introduction to the world if you will and my company Soul Tapestries, LLC. To be honest I have always kind of been a behind the scenes type of person, occasionally sticking my head out the door to make my presents know. So this is a big risk for me, to actually move out into the world as a Practitioner of Energy Kinesiology and soon to be a LEAP Practitioner. I am truly outing myself today, as a occasional visionary I saw this work happening over 40 years ago, oops, really outed now, age telling. Anyway, in the vision I say people were going to be able to make changes in other peoples lives by doing body work, at first I thought it was going to be body massage but that was it. Then I was introduced to Brain Gym, I was impressed with the fact that by using water and specialized exercises you could change the learning difficulties, I thought I am on to something here. Then I thought its good but not quite it. I had heard of Kinesiology but it just seemed too much to take on at the time, but I understood bits of what it was about. So time passed and I put it aside until I get a call from a friend who had, had some Brain Integration Therapy done and she was so excited about the change it made in her brain, she was thinking clearly, processing problems in half the time, it was amazing. I then get a call and she is telling me about the two year LEAP Practitioner training that we may be able to get into. I said well I don't know when it starts I had things already in the works and I said it would take a miracle for this to happen. Long story short it happened and I entered the training November of 2007. It has been one heck of a training. This is the first time it was ever offered as a actual two year specialized training. For many of the classes they are taught by Dr. Krebs himself. I feel so privileged to be a part of the work. LEAP is truly going to make a difference in so many peoples lives. LEAP protocols and Muscle Monitoring give you access to the bio computer(the body). We need to all step back and really be amazed at what this body does, all on its own without us being aware of exactly what its doing. Its kind of like electricity, we just know it works. This training has opened the door for me in learning more about how it works and people this is one fantastic universe within its self. There are still things we don't know about why the brain does what it does.
It has taken me these 40 years to get to this place and I am now living what was my future.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Change Already

The Budding of New Things!
So it has only been a couple of days since I create this blog and already change has happened. I have given birth to a new blog called Lite Weaving, you can access it on this blog.
This blog will be my business blog. My company name is Soul Tapestries, LLC and because I will be finishing my LEAP training at the end of may I felt I needed to get out there and start making people aware of what LEAP is and what Energy Kinesiology. So please bare with me as I make these changes.

Lite Weaving is about how we are all connected on the web of life and how we each influence each other. Its also about bringing light, humor, love and inspiration into this world that seems to generate a lot of fear messages. We that belong to the Leaders of Light Group want to change that dynamic and produce something that is different. Providing a service of light if you will.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The setting sun

How do you end your day. Does your day end in anger, does it end in laughter, does it end in love? Thoughts are things and as was brought to my attention we need to look at what we are thinking. What kind of energy are we sending out to the universe. I remember reading a book way back in my 20's. The book was called Thought Forms by Annie Bessant. I remember looking at the picture of the negative thought forms and how ugly they were. I also looked at the pleasant thought forms and they were beautiful. What do you want your thought energy to look like. Be aware don't add to the fear that circulates so much these days. Look at the beauty around you and shift the thoughts.

"Spiritual realization is to see clearly that what I perceive, experience, think, or feel is ultimately not who I am, that I cannot find myself in all those things that continually pass away. What remains is the light of consciousness in which perception, experiences, thoughts, and feelings come and go. That is Being, that is the deeper, true I." New Earth by Eckhart Tolle'

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Experience

I have to say that this creation of the blog was really quite a fun experience and I will be tinkering with it off and on.
The fire is a tradition in the Quero Shaman work. Mostly at the full moon we will build a fire and place into the fire the things in our life that not longer serve us. So many times we keep playing the same song over and over and wonder if it will ever end. So we pick a stick, branch that we can burn in the fire. It is amazing how the release happens when we do this. There is more ceremony involved but I just wanted to note that is why this picture is on my blog. Fire cleanses and many of us are going through a time of cleansing. Light comes in many forms.

Welcome to my blog :)

I want to welcome you to my blog. This is a new experience for me as far as having my own blog.
My blog is about how we can Weave Light into our lives. With all the negative that is surrounding us right now, my belief is that we need to turn on more light. To broaden our own communities to share the positive that is happening in this world.
I believe in the power of thought and my wish, my very hope is that we can change the world around us by connecting together to bring this about. We are surrounded by beauty and we need to open our eyes to that.